Impressive Saturn Redbook Music (1994 onwards)
Black Fire (SAT Redbook - one track (Bigwin1 has a redbook version playing on the title screen & main menu (mono in-game/stereo on disc for some reason) - 1995,
Panzer Dragoon (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 32khz (cutscenes), rest is redbook,
Sega Rally Championship (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, sub menus, arcade select menu), rest is redbook,
Digital Pinball: Last Gladiators (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (intro), some very short scsp jingles,
Daytona USA (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, redbook only (rearranged tracks),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.1 Sarah Bryant (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.2 Jacky Bryant (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.3 Akira Yuki (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well), 2 redbook tracks on disc,
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.4 Pai Chan (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well), 2 redbook tracks on disc,
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.5 Wolf Hawkfield (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.6 Lau Chan (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter 2 (SAT Redbook - arcade remaster+rearrange OSTs) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (cg intro (checked) and ending), part scsp (real-time character showreel intro only?),
Highway 2000 (SAT Redbook - in-game) - 1995, part scsp (menus), part 2ch streaming (however it's mixed in mono, intro - 22khz),
Galactic Attack/Layer Section (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (rearranged OST),
F-1 Challenge/F1 Challenge (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo, intro (32khz)), rest is redbook,
Rayman (SAT Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44khz (second logo, cutscenes), rest is redbook (41 music tracks),
Virtua Fighter Remix (SAT Redbook)(same as VF1) - 1995, part scsp (real-time intro only?),
Virtua Fighter (SAT Redbook) - 1994, partial scsp (intro cutscene w/ in-game gfx), midi-based
Hang-On GP '95/Hang-On GP '96 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (title menu/bgm 00, bgm 01-03, uses fm synth possibly),
Virtua Racing/Time Warner Interactive's VR Virtua Racing (SAT Redbook, arc ver. rearrangements and new tracks) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo at 22khz,
Houma Hunter Lime Perfect Collection (2 discs)(SAT Redbook - one short and one long version of a single theme on each disc (intro/main theme and ending theme respectively?))(vocal tracks) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo only?), vocals), scsp otherwise,
Sega International Victory Goal/Worldwide Soccer EU/US (1995)(SAT Redbook, different from JP ver.) - 1995, part scsp (mode menu, bronze cup menu, disc incl a redbook version of the mode menu track (track 13)), part 2ch/stereo streaming (intro, different (also included as redbook track 03 - chase the wind., 32khz),
Sega International Victory Goal/Victory Goal JP (1995)(SAT Redbook, different from western ver.) - 1995, part scsp (mode menu, bronze cup menu), part 2ch/stereo streaming (intro, different in JP ver., 32khz),
Hi-Octane (SAT Redbook - 12 tracks (9 more than on PS1))(some vocal elements) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo & intro (22khz),
Revolution X (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part streaming (logos & intro text/title/main menu), rest is redbook,
Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Remix & Special (SAT Redbook - same redbook tracks in these two as well as in Limited for PS1) - 1995, part scsp (in-game), part 2ch streaming,
High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge/Touge King (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo only at 44.1khz?) and scsp (main menu, mode select), rest is redbook,
Shinobi X (EU ver., different besides the cutscenes)(SAT Redbook - title & staff roll) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes, title intro jingle), rest is scsp,, Staff Roll:
Rad Mobile/Gale Racer (SAT Redbook) - 1994, two stereo streaming tracks however they're also included as cd tracks, midi-based
Fire Pro Gaiden: Blazing Tornado (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (logo, menu, match loading screen, more),
Astal (SAT Redbook - JP ver. opening only, vocal track) - 1995, rest is streaming,
Chaos Control & Chaos Control Remix (1995/1996)(SAT Redbook - title theme jingle & long ver, staff roll parts 1 & 2) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming and some 1ch streaming,
Gotha: Ismailia Seneki (SAT Redbook - in-game, text intro) - 1995, 2ch streaming (intro (also included as redbook)), part midi/synth-based,, More:
Cyber Speedway/Gran Chaser (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, more?, a bit distorted), US:, JP ver.:
Mystaria: The Realms of Lore/Blazing Heroes/Riglord Saga (SAT Redbook - 6 tracks) - 1995, part 2ch stereo streaming at 22khz (intro only? also incl as a redbook track on the disc), part scsp,
Thunderstrike 2/Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo, ) and 1ch streaming (intro - some distortion) at 22khz, rest is redbook,
Emit Vol. 2: Inochigake no Tabi (SAT Redbook - logo, opening and ending - vocal, instrumental version of ending (2 more tracks than on PS1))(two vocal tracks) - 1995, rest is scsp (same songs as on PS1 but different instruments?),
Emit Vol. 3: Watashi ni Sayonara wo (SAT Redbook - logo, intro and ending - same as Vol. 2 except w/o the instrumental ver. of the ending? Same as PS1?)(two vocal tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp,
Emit Vol. 1: Toki no Maigo (SAT Redbook - logo, opening, instrumental ending, same as PS1?)(one vocal track) - 1995, rest is scsp (same songs as PS1 but different instruments?),
Street Fighter: The Movie (SAT Redbook, 2 tracks fewer than on PS1) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo) and 2ch streaming (intro) at 22khz,
Virtua Cop (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (remastered arc ver. tracks), part midi-based,
Senryaku Shougi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo only (?) at 22khz, part midi-based,
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (SAT Redbook, same as on PS1 except one track less?) - 1995, redbook only,
In the Hunt (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo at 22khz, intro at 32khz), redbook otherwise (different tracks from PS1 ver. (also no clipping here) and doesn't incl ARC ver. recordings),
Wing Arms (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (intro, mission intro cutscene, more?),
Minnesota Fats: Pool Legend/Side Pocket 2 (SAT Redbook - 9 tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo & cutscenes),, CH_END:
Yumimi Mix Remix (SAT Redbook - title, 2 more tracks (one w/ VA over it))(two vocal tracks) - 1995, rest is scsp, part midi-based,
Johnny Bazookatone (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (cutscenes - 22khz), mostly mono mixing,
Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (Suiko Enbu: Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty)/Dark Legend (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only?, part midi-based,
Gunbird (SAT Redbook - in-game)(two vocal tracks, same as PS1?) - 1ch streaming logos and intro, part midi-based, minor clipping in upload,
X-Men: Children of the Atom (SAT Redbook - ARC ver. recordings) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (logo only), mixed with QSound,
Godzilla/Godzilla: Rettoushinkan/Rettou Kaimetsu (SAT Redbook) - 1995, scsp briefings, streaming in cutscenes+logo, redbook in-game (first 8 tracks are in mono and the first 7 seemingly deliberately retro sounding/lower quality),
Dragon Ball Z: Shinbuthoden/Shin Butouden (SAT Redbook - matches, more?) - 1995, part scsp (title, menu, third mode cutscene & menu), part 2ch streaming (mono logo, stereo intro - distorted (11khz), part midi-based,
FIFA Soccer '96 (1995)(SAT Redbook)(one rap track) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, 2 more), part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo, intro),
Shinobi Legions/Shin Shinobi Den (US/JP ver.)(SAT Redbook - title & staff roll) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes, title intro jingle), rest is scsp,, Staff Roll/Ending:
SteamGear Mash (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch stereo streaming at 44.1khz (intro and ending), part midi-based,
Virtual Volleyball (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (intro),
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 Kaimaku-ban (SAT Redbook)(same songs as the streamed tracks on PS1) - 1995, redbook besides a few scsp jingles in-game,
Ghen War (SAT Redbook)(one vocal track) - 1995, 2ch streaming cutscenes and in-game (22khz, a bit distorted), redbook title and the in-game tracks are on disc as redbook as well (odd mixing in most tracks with the music veering to the right and ambient sfx to the left),
Shougi Matsuri (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro - also on disc as redbook, more?),
NFL Quarterback Club 96 (SAT Redbook - one track, same as streamed intro) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logos and intro, minor distortion), rest is scsp?,
From TV Animation Slam Dunk: I Love Basketball (SAT Redbook - ST 07 only) - 1995, mostly scsp, part 2ch streaming (logo, cutscenes & instructions video - story intro in mono despite using 2ch and w/ some distortion (22khz), story mode intro also incl as redbook track),
Jissen Mahjong (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, more?, 22khz, some distortion),
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix/Toshinden S (SAT Redbook - one new track (Cupido)) - 1995, stereo intro however it's still mixed in mono, some 1ch scsp streaming (char select),
Kakinoki Shougi/Shogi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, different from PS1, track 3=battle theme 2 in the snes game,
Kanazawa Shougi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (intro at 22khz - mostly ambient sfx with a couple of percussion sounds thrown in, very short), rest is redbook?,
Kanzen Chuukei Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine & World Series Baseball (SAT Redbook - intro only, unused?)(vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (logo - slightly different in WSB & intro), rest is scsp,
Golden Axe: The Duel (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (a bit compressed, rearranged ARC tracks),
Darius Gaiden (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, redbook (ARC ver. recordings),
Clockwork Knight 2 (SAT Redbook - 2 tracks, 1 vocal track) - 1995, partial 2ch streaming (various cutscenes, some vocal tracks, CK2's opening is a stereo track but mono mixed) and 1ch streaming (scenes 3-5 & 8 & 10-12, more?),, Clockwork Knight ~ Reprise:
Detana Twinbee Yahho!: Deluxe Pack (Detana!! Twinbee and Twinbee Yahho!)(SAT Redbook - main title/game select menu & logo only) - 1995, stereo streaming for Yahho (remastered arc tracks)/mono for Detana (arc ver. recordings),
Quantum Gate I: Akumu no Joshou (SAT Redbook - one track w/ vocal elements) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, more? find rip), part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logos, intro and cutscenes),
Virtual Open Tennis (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logos, intro), rest is redbook, part midi-based,
Parodius/Gokujou Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack (Gokujou Parodius: Kako no Eikou o Motomete and Parodius Da!)(SAT Redbook - logo & main title only - same compositon as Parodius Da!'s title jingle) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming besides the very short scsp jingles when selecting games,
Tokimeki Mahjong Paradise: Koi no Tenpai Beat (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 87khz (logo voice only), rest is redbook?,
SimCity 2000 (SAT Redbook - intro remix only)(some new scsp tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp, not sure where the redbook track plays, part midi/synth-based,
Wizard's Harmony (SAT Redbook)(two vocal tracks) - 1995, part scsp (buildings in beginning - find rip), rest is redbook, mostly midi-based,
Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter X (SAT Redbook) 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes (pretty distorted and mono mixing) & staff roll (stereo mixing and not distorted)), part scsp (title, char select, vs screen, char screen), midi-based,
Princess Maker 2 (SAT Redbook - one long track on disc w/ two songs & VA (intro 2, piano ver. of main theme)) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (title, intros 1-2), mostly scsp (menus, in-game),
Virtual Hydlide (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (intro), part scsp (main menu, first in-game track, more?), midi-based,
Mahjong Kaigan Monogatari: Mahjong Kyou Jidai Sexy Idol Hen (SAT Redbook)(erotic) - 1995, 1ch streaming logo & intros at 11khz (some distortion),
Game no Tatsujin: The Shanghai/Game no Tetsujin (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only,
O-chan no Oekaki Logic (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi-based,
Hiyake no Omoide & Himekuri: Girls in Motion Puzzle Vol. 1 (SAT Redbook - 4 tracks)(some vocal elements) - 1995, partial 1ch streaming (logo & intro, 22khz, some distortion), scsp in some menus and in-game,
Pappara Paoon (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (logo, in-game level 1 & 4, more?), VA over most redbook tracks, part midi-based,
Nekketsu Oyako (SAT Redbook)(same compositions as on PS1) - 1995, redbook only (midi-based) besides the scsp logo jingle,
Kyuutenkai/Fantastic Pinball Kyuutenkai (SAT Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1995, scsp logo only?, mostly midi-based,
Eisei Meijin (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only,
Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku (SAT Redbook) - 1994, redbook only?, midi-based,
Victory Boxing/Center Ring Boxing/King of Boxing (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 16khz (intro, some distortion), part scsp (main menu, more?), midi-based,
Chibi Maruko-Chan no Taisen Puzzle Dama (Pazurudama)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi/synth-based,
Race Drivin' (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook besides one very short jingle and some ambient sfx in scsp (stereo-fied arcade ver. recordings (some distortion)+some new tracks), midi-based,, More:
Super Real Mahjong Graffiti (2-4 collection)(SAT Redbook - in-game) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo only), part scsp (main menu, part 3 intro cutscene jingle, more?), midi-based,
Super Real Mahjong PV (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo and intro jingles only? (VA over these)), part scsp (main menu, more?), midi-based,
Hattrick Hero S (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi-based,
Baku Baku Animal (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro only?), track 23 on disc not in ST, incl arc recordings and an arranged ost, midi-like,
Hebereke's Popoitto (Popoitto Hebereke)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook besides a short game over jingle and the logo voice (both in mono), midi-based,
Bases Loaded '96: Double Header (SAT Redbook - same as PS1) - 1995, part 2ch streaming, rest is scsp,
Battle Monsters (SAT Redbook - one track (unused in-game?)) - 1995, rest is scsp (find rip),
Valora Valley Golf/The Hyper Golf: Devil's Course (SAT Redbook - 2 tracks, not sure where they play) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo, intro, fmv cutscenes), rest is scsp, midi-based,
Bug! (SAT Redbook - title, some cutscenes?) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, minor distortion), rest is scsp (in-game), rearranged on PC with more of the scsp tracks being redbook,
Magical Drop (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo and intro at 22khz, some distortion in intro),
Primal Rage (SAT Redbook - same as PS1 besides the intro/title track) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro cutscene after the silent logos w/ VA over it - some distortion), streaming+scsp title jingle (some clipping and distortion and the last half of it streams several instruments on 1 channel), midi-based,
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, midi-based,
America Oudan Ultra Quiz (SAT Redbook - intro only, stereo file but mono mix) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (cutscenes, pretty distorted), rest is scsp,
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (SAT Redbook - one track w/ VA over it only) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo, cutscenes), rest is scsp, midi-based,
Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa: Hanakosan ga Kita!! (SAT Redbook - one short jinge on disc (unused?)) 1995, streaming/scsp otherwise
Tama: Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labyrinth (SAT Redbook) - 1994, a few short scsp/chip jingles, midi-like
The Psychotron (SAT Redbook - title/main menu only, mono mixing) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro & cutscenes, some distortion), rest is scsp?,
Cleaning Kit for Sega Saturn (SAT Redbook) - 1995, mono mixing w/ VA over it,
Theme Park (SAT Redbook - same as PS1) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo - distorted, intro - minor distortion, more?),
Iron Storm (SAT Redbook - unused (?) jingle only) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo/1ch streaming for the rest (.mus format)
Kekkon: Marriage (SAT Redbook - one short track w/ va over it on disc - unused in-game?) - 1995, rest is scsp (find rip), midi-based,
Masters: Harukanaru Augusta 3 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, streaming/scsp besides one short jingle on the disc w/ a "thank you for playing" message over it (unused in-game?)
Shanghai: Triple-Threat (SAT Redbook - one very short jingle only (not sure where it's used)) - 1995, rest is scsp,
Shining Wisdom (SAT Redbook - one short jingle only) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logos only?, logo 2 is in mono), rest is scsp (incl intro)
Titan Wars/Solar Eclipse (SAT Redbook - disc warning message jingle only) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming & scsp
Check SAT 1996 onwards:
SAT Non-CD Audio:
1994: Clockwork Knight SAT - streaming/scsp, The Mansion of Hidden Souls SAT - streaming, Myst SAT - streaming only?, WanChai Connection SAT - streaming
1995: Ayrton Senna Personal Talk: Message for the future (non-game) SAT - scsp, AI Shogi SAT - no music nor sfx?, Blue Chicago Blues (J.B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues) SAT - streaming, Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden SAT - streaming/scsp, BreakThru! SAT - scsp, Corpse Killer: Graveyard Edition SAT (2 discs) - 1ch streaming only, D SAT - 1ch streaming only, Dark Seed SAT - scsp only, DX Jinsei Game SAT - scsp, Father Christmas SAT - 1ch streaming, Gakkou no Kaidan SAT - streaming/scsp, Game no Tatsujin SAT - scsp besides streaming voiced logo, Gex SAT - streaming, Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons SAT - streaming/scsp, Hokuto no Ken SAT - scsp only?, Kekkon Zenya/Kekkon: Marriage - Zen'ya SAT - streaming, Kidou Senshi Gundam SAT - streaming/scsp, Magic Knight Rayearth SAT - mostly scsp/part streaming, Mahjong Ganryuujima SAT - scsp only, Mahou no Jansi Poe Poe Poemy/Mahou no Janshi SAT - scsp only, Metal Fighter Miku SAT - streaming/scsp, NHL All-Star Hockey SAT - streaming/scsp, Nobunaga no Yabou Tenshouki/Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenshouki SAT - streaming, Off-World Interceptor Extreme SAT - streaming only, Pebble Beach Golf Links SAT - streaming/scsp, Photo CD Operating System SAT - scsp probably, Puyo Puyo Tsu/Puyo Puyo 2 SAT - streaming, QuoVadis/Quo Vadis SAT - streaming, Rampo SAT - streaming, Robotica: Cybernation Revolt/Deadalus SAT - streaming/scsp, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire/Sangokushi IV SAT - streaming only, , Sento Monogatari Sono I/Sen Miyako Monogatari: Sono I SAT - streaming/scsp, Sotsugyou II: Neo Generation - scsp/streaming, Strahl: Himerareshi Nanatsu no Hikari/Triad Stone SAT - streaming, Winning Post EX SAT - streaming, X Japan Virtual Shock 001 SAT - streaming besides a very short jingle on the disc (not used in-game?), The Yakyuu Ken Special: Konya wa 12-kaisen (erotic) SAT - streaming,
Black Fire (SAT Redbook - one track (Bigwin1 has a redbook version playing on the title screen & main menu (mono in-game/stereo on disc for some reason) - 1995,
Panzer Dragoon (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 32khz (cutscenes), rest is redbook,
Sega Rally Championship (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, sub menus, arcade select menu), rest is redbook,
Digital Pinball: Last Gladiators (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (intro), some very short scsp jingles,
Daytona USA (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, redbook only (rearranged tracks),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.1 Sarah Bryant (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.2 Jacky Bryant (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.3 Akira Yuki (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well), 2 redbook tracks on disc,
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.4 Pai Chan (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well), 2 redbook tracks on disc,
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.5 Wolf Hawkfield (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.6 Lau Chan (non-game)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (vocal and instrumental version of same track, tracks are incl as redbook on disc as well),
Virtua Fighter 2 (SAT Redbook - arcade remaster+rearrange OSTs) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (cg intro (checked) and ending), part scsp (real-time character showreel intro only?),
Highway 2000 (SAT Redbook - in-game) - 1995, part scsp (menus), part 2ch streaming (however it's mixed in mono, intro - 22khz),
Galactic Attack/Layer Section (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (rearranged OST),
F-1 Challenge/F1 Challenge (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo, intro (32khz)), rest is redbook,
Rayman (SAT Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44khz (second logo, cutscenes), rest is redbook (41 music tracks),
Virtua Fighter Remix (SAT Redbook)(same as VF1) - 1995, part scsp (real-time intro only?),
Virtua Fighter (SAT Redbook) - 1994, partial scsp (intro cutscene w/ in-game gfx), midi-based
Hang-On GP '95/Hang-On GP '96 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (title menu/bgm 00, bgm 01-03, uses fm synth possibly),
Virtua Racing/Time Warner Interactive's VR Virtua Racing (SAT Redbook, arc ver. rearrangements and new tracks) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo at 22khz,
Houma Hunter Lime Perfect Collection (2 discs)(SAT Redbook - one short and one long version of a single theme on each disc (intro/main theme and ending theme respectively?))(vocal tracks) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo only?), vocals), scsp otherwise,
Sega International Victory Goal/Worldwide Soccer EU/US (1995)(SAT Redbook, different from JP ver.) - 1995, part scsp (mode menu, bronze cup menu, disc incl a redbook version of the mode menu track (track 13)), part 2ch/stereo streaming (intro, different (also included as redbook track 03 - chase the wind., 32khz),
Sega International Victory Goal/Victory Goal JP (1995)(SAT Redbook, different from western ver.) - 1995, part scsp (mode menu, bronze cup menu), part 2ch/stereo streaming (intro, different in JP ver., 32khz),
Hi-Octane (SAT Redbook - 12 tracks (9 more than on PS1))(some vocal elements) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo & intro (22khz),
Revolution X (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part streaming (logos & intro text/title/main menu), rest is redbook,
Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Remix & Special (SAT Redbook - same redbook tracks in these two as well as in Limited for PS1) - 1995, part scsp (in-game), part 2ch streaming,
High Velocity: Mountain Racing Challenge/Touge King (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo only at 44.1khz?) and scsp (main menu, mode select), rest is redbook,
Shinobi X (EU ver., different besides the cutscenes)(SAT Redbook - title & staff roll) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes, title intro jingle), rest is scsp,, Staff Roll:
Rad Mobile/Gale Racer (SAT Redbook) - 1994, two stereo streaming tracks however they're also included as cd tracks, midi-based
Fire Pro Gaiden: Blazing Tornado (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (logo, menu, match loading screen, more),
Astal (SAT Redbook - JP ver. opening only, vocal track) - 1995, rest is streaming,
Chaos Control & Chaos Control Remix (1995/1996)(SAT Redbook - title theme jingle & long ver, staff roll parts 1 & 2) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming and some 1ch streaming,
Gotha: Ismailia Seneki (SAT Redbook - in-game, text intro) - 1995, 2ch streaming (intro (also included as redbook)), part midi/synth-based,, More:
Cyber Speedway/Gran Chaser (SAT Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, more?, a bit distorted), US:, JP ver.:
Mystaria: The Realms of Lore/Blazing Heroes/Riglord Saga (SAT Redbook - 6 tracks) - 1995, part 2ch stereo streaming at 22khz (intro only? also incl as a redbook track on the disc), part scsp,
Thunderstrike 2/Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo, ) and 1ch streaming (intro - some distortion) at 22khz, rest is redbook,
Emit Vol. 2: Inochigake no Tabi (SAT Redbook - logo, opening and ending - vocal, instrumental version of ending (2 more tracks than on PS1))(two vocal tracks) - 1995, rest is scsp (same songs as on PS1 but different instruments?),
Emit Vol. 3: Watashi ni Sayonara wo (SAT Redbook - logo, intro and ending - same as Vol. 2 except w/o the instrumental ver. of the ending? Same as PS1?)(two vocal tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp,
Emit Vol. 1: Toki no Maigo (SAT Redbook - logo, opening, instrumental ending, same as PS1?)(one vocal track) - 1995, rest is scsp (same songs as PS1 but different instruments?),
Street Fighter: The Movie (SAT Redbook, 2 tracks fewer than on PS1) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo) and 2ch streaming (intro) at 22khz,
Virtua Cop (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (remastered arc ver. tracks), part midi-based,
Senryaku Shougi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo only (?) at 22khz, part midi-based,
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (SAT Redbook, same as on PS1 except one track less?) - 1995, redbook only,
In the Hunt (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo at 22khz, intro at 32khz), redbook otherwise (different tracks from PS1 ver. (also no clipping here) and doesn't incl ARC ver. recordings),
Wing Arms (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (intro, mission intro cutscene, more?),
Minnesota Fats: Pool Legend/Side Pocket 2 (SAT Redbook - 9 tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo & cutscenes),, CH_END:
Yumimi Mix Remix (SAT Redbook - title, 2 more tracks (one w/ VA over it))(two vocal tracks) - 1995, rest is scsp, part midi-based,
Johnny Bazookatone (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (cutscenes - 22khz), mostly mono mixing,
Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (Suiko Enbu: Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty)/Dark Legend (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only?, part midi-based,
Gunbird (SAT Redbook - in-game)(two vocal tracks, same as PS1?) - 1ch streaming logos and intro, part midi-based, minor clipping in upload,
X-Men: Children of the Atom (SAT Redbook - ARC ver. recordings) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 44.1khz (logo only), mixed with QSound,
Godzilla/Godzilla: Rettoushinkan/Rettou Kaimetsu (SAT Redbook) - 1995, scsp briefings, streaming in cutscenes+logo, redbook in-game (first 8 tracks are in mono and the first 7 seemingly deliberately retro sounding/lower quality),
Dragon Ball Z: Shinbuthoden/Shin Butouden (SAT Redbook - matches, more?) - 1995, part scsp (title, menu, third mode cutscene & menu), part 2ch streaming (mono logo, stereo intro - distorted (11khz), part midi-based,
FIFA Soccer '96 (1995)(SAT Redbook)(one rap track) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, 2 more), part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo, intro),
Shinobi Legions/Shin Shinobi Den (US/JP ver.)(SAT Redbook - title & staff roll) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes, title intro jingle), rest is scsp,, Staff Roll/Ending:
SteamGear Mash (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch stereo streaming at 44.1khz (intro and ending), part midi-based,
Virtual Volleyball (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (intro),
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 Kaimaku-ban (SAT Redbook)(same songs as the streamed tracks on PS1) - 1995, redbook besides a few scsp jingles in-game,
Ghen War (SAT Redbook)(one vocal track) - 1995, 2ch streaming cutscenes and in-game (22khz, a bit distorted), redbook title and the in-game tracks are on disc as redbook as well (odd mixing in most tracks with the music veering to the right and ambient sfx to the left),
Shougi Matsuri (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro - also on disc as redbook, more?),
NFL Quarterback Club 96 (SAT Redbook - one track, same as streamed intro) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logos and intro, minor distortion), rest is scsp?,
From TV Animation Slam Dunk: I Love Basketball (SAT Redbook - ST 07 only) - 1995, mostly scsp, part 2ch streaming (logo, cutscenes & instructions video - story intro in mono despite using 2ch and w/ some distortion (22khz), story mode intro also incl as redbook track),
Jissen Mahjong (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, more?, 22khz, some distortion),
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix/Toshinden S (SAT Redbook - one new track (Cupido)) - 1995, stereo intro however it's still mixed in mono, some 1ch scsp streaming (char select),
Kakinoki Shougi/Shogi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, different from PS1, track 3=battle theme 2 in the snes game,
Kanazawa Shougi (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (intro at 22khz - mostly ambient sfx with a couple of percussion sounds thrown in, very short), rest is redbook?,
Kanzen Chuukei Pro Yakyuu Greatest Nine & World Series Baseball (SAT Redbook - intro only, unused?)(vocal elements) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 44.1khz (logo - slightly different in WSB & intro), rest is scsp,
Golden Axe: The Duel (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only (a bit compressed, rearranged ARC tracks),
Darius Gaiden (SAT Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995, redbook (ARC ver. recordings),
Clockwork Knight 2 (SAT Redbook - 2 tracks, 1 vocal track) - 1995, partial 2ch streaming (various cutscenes, some vocal tracks, CK2's opening is a stereo track but mono mixed) and 1ch streaming (scenes 3-5 & 8 & 10-12, more?),, Clockwork Knight ~ Reprise:
Detana Twinbee Yahho!: Deluxe Pack (Detana!! Twinbee and Twinbee Yahho!)(SAT Redbook - main title/game select menu & logo only) - 1995, stereo streaming for Yahho (remastered arc tracks)/mono for Detana (arc ver. recordings),
Quantum Gate I: Akumu no Joshou (SAT Redbook - one track w/ vocal elements) - 1995, part scsp (main menu, more? find rip), part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logos, intro and cutscenes),
Virtual Open Tennis (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logos, intro), rest is redbook, part midi-based,
Parodius/Gokujou Parodius Da! Deluxe Pack (Gokujou Parodius: Kako no Eikou o Motomete and Parodius Da!)(SAT Redbook - logo & main title only - same compositon as Parodius Da!'s title jingle) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming besides the very short scsp jingles when selecting games,
Tokimeki Mahjong Paradise: Koi no Tenpai Beat (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 87khz (logo voice only), rest is redbook?,
SimCity 2000 (SAT Redbook - intro remix only)(some new scsp tracks) - 1995, mostly scsp, not sure where the redbook track plays, part midi/synth-based,
Wizard's Harmony (SAT Redbook)(two vocal tracks) - 1995, part scsp (buildings in beginning - find rip), rest is redbook, mostly midi-based,
Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter X (SAT Redbook) 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (cutscenes (pretty distorted and mono mixing) & staff roll (stereo mixing and not distorted)), part scsp (title, char select, vs screen, char screen), midi-based,
Princess Maker 2 (SAT Redbook - one long track on disc w/ two songs & VA (intro 2, piano ver. of main theme)) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (title, intros 1-2), mostly scsp (menus, in-game),
Virtual Hydlide (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (intro), part scsp (main menu, first in-game track, more?), midi-based,
Mahjong Kaigan Monogatari: Mahjong Kyou Jidai Sexy Idol Hen (SAT Redbook)(erotic) - 1995, 1ch streaming logo & intros at 11khz (some distortion),
Game no Tatsujin: The Shanghai/Game no Tetsujin (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only,
O-chan no Oekaki Logic (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi-based,
Hiyake no Omoide & Himekuri: Girls in Motion Puzzle Vol. 1 (SAT Redbook - 4 tracks)(some vocal elements) - 1995, partial 1ch streaming (logo & intro, 22khz, some distortion), scsp in some menus and in-game,
Pappara Paoon (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part scsp (logo, in-game level 1 & 4, more?), VA over most redbook tracks, part midi-based,
Nekketsu Oyako (SAT Redbook)(same compositions as on PS1) - 1995, redbook only (midi-based) besides the scsp logo jingle,
Kyuutenkai/Fantastic Pinball Kyuutenkai (SAT Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1995, scsp logo only?, mostly midi-based,
Eisei Meijin (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only,
Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku (SAT Redbook) - 1994, redbook only?, midi-based,
Victory Boxing/Center Ring Boxing/King of Boxing (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 16khz (intro, some distortion), part scsp (main menu, more?), midi-based,
Chibi Maruko-Chan no Taisen Puzzle Dama (Pazurudama)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi/synth-based,
Race Drivin' (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook besides one very short jingle and some ambient sfx in scsp (stereo-fied arcade ver. recordings (some distortion)+some new tracks), midi-based,, More:
Super Real Mahjong Graffiti (2-4 collection)(SAT Redbook - in-game) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo only), part scsp (main menu, part 3 intro cutscene jingle, more?), midi-based,
Super Real Mahjong PV (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo and intro jingles only? (VA over these)), part scsp (main menu, more?), midi-based,
Hattrick Hero S (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, mostly midi-based,
Baku Baku Animal (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro only?), track 23 on disc not in ST, incl arc recordings and an arranged ost, midi-like,
Hebereke's Popoitto (Popoitto Hebereke)(SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook besides a short game over jingle and the logo voice (both in mono), midi-based,
Bases Loaded '96: Double Header (SAT Redbook - same as PS1) - 1995, part 2ch streaming, rest is scsp,
Battle Monsters (SAT Redbook - one track (unused in-game?)) - 1995, rest is scsp (find rip),
Valora Valley Golf/The Hyper Golf: Devil's Course (SAT Redbook - 2 tracks, not sure where they play) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logo, intro, fmv cutscenes), rest is scsp, midi-based,
Bug! (SAT Redbook - title, some cutscenes?) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (intro, minor distortion), rest is scsp (in-game), rearranged on PC with more of the scsp tracks being redbook,
Magical Drop (SAT Redbook) - 1995, part 2ch streaming (logo and intro at 22khz, some distortion in intro),
Primal Rage (SAT Redbook - same as PS1 besides the intro/title track) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro cutscene after the silent logos w/ VA over it - some distortion), streaming+scsp title jingle (some clipping and distortion and the last half of it streams several instruments on 1 channel), midi-based,
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, redbook only, midi-based,
America Oudan Ultra Quiz (SAT Redbook - intro only, stereo file but mono mix) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (cutscenes, pretty distorted), rest is scsp,
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (SAT Redbook - one track w/ VA over it only) - 1995, part 1ch streaming (logo, cutscenes), rest is scsp, midi-based,
Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa: Hanakosan ga Kita!! (SAT Redbook - one short jinge on disc (unused?)) 1995, streaming/scsp otherwise
Tama: Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labyrinth (SAT Redbook) - 1994, a few short scsp/chip jingles, midi-like
The Psychotron (SAT Redbook - title/main menu only, mono mixing) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (intro & cutscenes, some distortion), rest is scsp?,
Cleaning Kit for Sega Saturn (SAT Redbook) - 1995, mono mixing w/ VA over it,
Theme Park (SAT Redbook - same as PS1) - 1995, part 1ch streaming at 22khz (logo - distorted, intro - minor distortion, more?),
Iron Storm (SAT Redbook - unused (?) jingle only) - 1995, 2ch streaming logo/1ch streaming for the rest (.mus format)
Kekkon: Marriage (SAT Redbook - one short track w/ va over it on disc - unused in-game?) - 1995, rest is scsp (find rip), midi-based,
Masters: Harukanaru Augusta 3 (SAT Redbook) - 1995, streaming/scsp besides one short jingle on the disc w/ a "thank you for playing" message over it (unused in-game?)
Shanghai: Triple-Threat (SAT Redbook - one very short jingle only (not sure where it's used)) - 1995, rest is scsp,
Shining Wisdom (SAT Redbook - one short jingle only) - 1995, part 2ch streaming at 22khz (logos only?, logo 2 is in mono), rest is scsp (incl intro)
Titan Wars/Solar Eclipse (SAT Redbook - disc warning message jingle only) - 1995, rest is 2ch streaming & scsp
Check SAT 1996 onwards:
SAT Non-CD Audio:
1994: Clockwork Knight SAT - streaming/scsp, The Mansion of Hidden Souls SAT - streaming, Myst SAT - streaming only?, WanChai Connection SAT - streaming
1995: Ayrton Senna Personal Talk: Message for the future (non-game) SAT - scsp, AI Shogi SAT - no music nor sfx?, Blue Chicago Blues (J.B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues) SAT - streaming, Blue Seed: Kushinada Hirokuden SAT - streaming/scsp, BreakThru! SAT - scsp, Corpse Killer: Graveyard Edition SAT (2 discs) - 1ch streaming only, D SAT - 1ch streaming only, Dark Seed SAT - scsp only, DX Jinsei Game SAT - scsp, Father Christmas SAT - 1ch streaming, Gakkou no Kaidan SAT - streaming/scsp, Game no Tatsujin SAT - scsp besides streaming voiced logo, Gex SAT - streaming, Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons SAT - streaming/scsp, Hokuto no Ken SAT - scsp only?, Kekkon Zenya/Kekkon: Marriage - Zen'ya SAT - streaming, Kidou Senshi Gundam SAT - streaming/scsp, Magic Knight Rayearth SAT - mostly scsp/part streaming, Mahjong Ganryuujima SAT - scsp only, Mahou no Jansi Poe Poe Poemy/Mahou no Janshi SAT - scsp only, Metal Fighter Miku SAT - streaming/scsp, NHL All-Star Hockey SAT - streaming/scsp, Nobunaga no Yabou Tenshouki/Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenshouki SAT - streaming, Off-World Interceptor Extreme SAT - streaming only, Pebble Beach Golf Links SAT - streaming/scsp, Photo CD Operating System SAT - scsp probably, Puyo Puyo Tsu/Puyo Puyo 2 SAT - streaming, QuoVadis/Quo Vadis SAT - streaming, Rampo SAT - streaming, Robotica: Cybernation Revolt/Deadalus SAT - streaming/scsp, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire/Sangokushi IV SAT - streaming only, , Sento Monogatari Sono I/Sen Miyako Monogatari: Sono I SAT - streaming/scsp, Sotsugyou II: Neo Generation - scsp/streaming, Strahl: Himerareshi Nanatsu no Hikari/Triad Stone SAT - streaming, Winning Post EX SAT - streaming, X Japan Virtual Shock 001 SAT - streaming besides a very short jingle on the disc (not used in-game?), The Yakyuu Ken Special: Konya wa 12-kaisen (erotic) SAT - streaming,