Impressive PC Redbook Music (1990 onwards?)
Ecco the Dolphin (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1995, same as MCD?,
The Even More Incredible Machine (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993,
Descent II/Descent II: Vertigo Series (PC Redbook) - 1996, also supports awe32+gm (different tracks),, In-game (Vertigo):
Quake (PC Redbook) - 1996, streaming ambient sfx,
WipEout (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part mono streaming (logo, intro),
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mono streaming (menu ambience), part midi/synth-based cd tracks,
NHL 97 (PC Redbook)(different) - 1996,
Tomb Raider (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part streaming audio (cutscenes), missing some in-game jingles from the SAT/PS1 versions?, part midi/synth-based,, Broken bridge part (in-game):
NBA Live 97 (PC Redbook) - 1996,
The Dig (PC Redbook) - 1995, redbook only?,
Diablo (PC Redbook)(Windows)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi/synth-based, mostly mono mixing,
Fantasy General (PC Redbook)(mostly vocal tracks (choir)) - 1996, part midi-based?,
The 7th Guest (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1993, mostly midi (in-game),
NHL 96 (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Neverhood (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks & vocal elements) - 1996,
Inferno (PC Redbook) - 1994, part synth/midi-based,
FIFA 97/FIFA Soccer 97 (PC Redbook - partially different on PS1?) - 1996, part streaming (intro)?, midi-based drums?,
SWIV 3D (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements, two classical tracks) - 1996,
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty (PC redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1997, part midi-based,
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, part midi-based,
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi-based?,
Tempest 2000 (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1?) - 1996,
NBA Live 95 (PC Redbook - same as SAT? except menu and pause songs are redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995,, Intro:
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (PC Redbook)(Expansion) - 1996, part midi-based,
Powerslave/Exhumed (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1 besides the Main Menu/Credits track, some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Tunnel B1 (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1?) - 1996, part synth/midi-based,
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (PC Redbook)(Windows, some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based,
Death Rally (PC Redbook) - 1996, find full hq rip, part synth/mod-based,
King's Quest VI (CD ver.)(PC Redbook - staff roll only? part midi-based)(vocal track) - 1993, streaming audio intro in mono, midi in-game,, in-game:
Angst: Rahz's Revenge (PC Redbook) - 1996,
FX Fighter Turbo (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, sequel,
Star General (PC Redbook) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes?, mono in dos or 1.0 ver.? (1.1/win is stereo), part synth-based,, In-game (1.1):
Microcosm (Collector's Edition)(PC Redbook) - 1994, midi after opening credits?,
BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, part midi-based,
Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow & Gold ver. (PC Redbook) - 1996/1997, minor distortion/high noise floor, part streaming (cutscenes)?,
Bad Mojo (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part synth/midi-based,
FIFA Soccer 96 (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?)(some vocal elements) - 1995, stereo,,
Time Commando (PC Redbook - 2 tracks only (Theme and Future))(Windows ver., some vocal elements) - 1996, rest is streaming (.acf) and GM/FM (in-game), part midi-based cd tracks,,
Rayman (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, redbook except for some streamed jingles, part midi-based,
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament (PC Redbook, in-game)(Special Edition ver. only?): 1995,
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements - 1996, part streaming audio? (intro and monastery?),
Sonic CD (PC Redbook) - 1995 or 1996, same as the MCD ver. (different US CD OST),
Die Hard Trilogy (PC Redbook - same as PS1/SAT?) - 1996, find rip, part synth/midi-based,
Earthworm Jim 2/Earthworm Jim 1 & 2: The Whole Can 'O Worms (PC Redbook - same as PS1/SAT except lvl 2 was removed and the office level uses the lvl 2 music instead of the granny bonus lvl music, one a capella track) - 1996, one new track (secret room), part midi-based,
Syndicate Wars (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Alien Trilogy (PC Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1996,
Big Red Racing (PC Redbook - 12 tracks on disc) - 1995, part streaming (cutscenes), part midi/synth-based,
Destruction Derby 2 (PC Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes & main menu?,
Archimedean Dynasty (PC Redbook) - 1996, part synth-based,
Phantasmagoria (PC Redbook - main theme & end credits only? vocal tracks) - 1995, midi only in-game?,
Destruction Derby (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?, some vocal elements) - 1995,
Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio in mono for the logo,
Super Stardust '96 (PC Redbook) - 1996,, Title:
Starfighter 3000 (PC Redbook - same as 3DO/PS1/SAT?) - 1993, midi/synth-based (techno),
Garfield: Caught in the Act (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, mostly midi-based?,
The Curse of Monkey Island/Monkey Island 3 (PC Redbook)(Windows, some vocal tracks) - 1997, part midi-based,
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (PC Redbook)(a few vocal elements) - 1996,
Alien Virus (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, might be stereo streaming?, mono streaming ambience in-game, find intro rip,
Daytona USA (PC Redbook - same as SAT, some vocal tracks & vocal elements)(Windows) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Absolute Pinball (PC Redbook) - 1996, mostly synth/midi/mod-based,
Mortal Kombat 3 (PC Redbook)(same as ARC?, some vocal elements) - 1995, redbook except for some streamed jingles, part midi/sample-based,
Screamer 2 (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996,
Earthworm Jim (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio for the logo, same as MCD ver. besides lack of jingles before levels on DOS which use FM synth in that version (on Windows (Special Edition) these use basic midi, the andy asteroids win jingle seems to use midi in both PC versions), part midi-based,
Screamer (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based drums?,
The Incredible Machine 2/The Incredible Machine Version 3.0 (PC Redbook)(vocal elements in some tracks and some vocal tracks (rap)) - 1995,
Inca (CD ver.)(PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1993, part midi/synth-based,
Lords of the Realm II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, mono streaming on DOS? (also used for credits in WIN ver.), part midi-based,
Warhawk/AirAssault (PC Redbook - same as PS1 (checked image file))(Windows) - 1996, part midi-based,
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game (PC Redbook)(different from SAT) - 1996, part midi-based,
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, midi-based, the CD tracks aren't actually supported in-game on PC (can only be played separately or in the Mac version),
Command & Conquer (PC Redbook - in-game) - 1995, streaming audio in menus, part synth/midi-based,
Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations (PC Redbook) - 1996, only partial stereo? (Voices, Charge, Creep, Drill, Fist, Recon, Drone - checked an iso), part synth/midi-based,
Protostar: War on the Frontier (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993, streaming audio logos in mono, part mod/synth-based,
Assault Rigs (PC Redbook - same as PS1) - 1996,, Title 1 (in-game):
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part midi-based,
HardBall 5 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
FX Fighter (PC Redbook) - 1995, very similar to mod ver.,
Grand Prix II/Grand Prix 2 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,, Menu:
Rise 2: Resurrection (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996,
Amok/AMOK (PC Redbook - same as SAT?) - 1996, some streaming .wav ambient sfx in menus?,
Zyclunt/Blade Warrior (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1995, midi/synth-based,
DreamWeb (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994 or 1995?,
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (PC Redbook - same as NGCD?)(Windows) - 1996, find rip, part midi/synth-based,; In-game:
Pro Pinball: The Web (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings (Canadian CD-ROM ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Secret of Monkey Island (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Brain Dead 13 (PC Redbook) - 1995, minor distortion, more stereo separation in-game, part midi-based?,
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (PC Redbook) - 1995, mostly midi-based,
S.T.O.R.M. (PC Redbook) - 1996, find rip,
Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi-based, no redbook on campaign disk exp,
Alone in the Dark (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992, includes Jack in the Dark (christmas promo bonus mode, seems to only have adlib support), find rip,
Manic Karts (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Return to Zork (PC Redbook) - 1993, part midi,
Sam & Max: Hit the Road (PC Redbook - tracks 47-50 only?)(one vocal track) - 1993, mostly midi tracks, redbook=remastered midi tracks besides the vocal one?,
Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes Back (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, find hq/find rip, part midi-based,
Jurassic Park (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993, mostly midi-based,
Fascination (CD ver.)(PC Redbook)(different) - 1992,
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within/The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (PC GM or Redbook?) - 1995, midi-based or general midi?,
Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva/Das Schwarze Auge: Schatten über Riva (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, remastered midi tracks?,
Hellbender (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mod-based?, incl a different .mod OST for if you don't use the CD,
Fury3 & Hellbender (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1995, cd tracks on disc are separate from the in-game music?,
EF 2000 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi/synth-based,
Shattered Steel (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based?, a bit compressed?,
Fatal Racing/Whiplash (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi/synth-based,
The Settlers II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based, also supports GM,
The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Great Naval Battles Vol. IV (PC Redbook) 1995, mostly midi-based,
SuperKarts (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995,
Quarantine (PC Redbook)(vocal tracks) - 1994, streaming audio in mono for the logos,
Creature Shock (PC Redbook)(different from CD-i) - 1994, streaming audio cutscenes (mono)?,, In-game:
Prototype (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi/synth-based,
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (CD ver.)(PC Redbook - remixes/rearrangements) - 1995, mostly midi/synth-based,
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny/Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Noctropolis (PC Redbook - intro only?) - 1994, streaming audio in mono for the logo and adlib in-game (rest of the OST is apparently on the cd but not used in-game),
Hyper 3-D Pinball/Tilt! (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio intro?, midi-based,
CyClones (PC Redbook) - 1994, part synth/midi-based,
Heroes of Might and Magic I: A Strategic Quest (PC Redbook)(Windows ver.) - 1996, remastered midi-based tracks in 24-bit stereo, part streaming (mono; intro and map failed, some ambient sfx),,
Witchaven (PC Redbook - intro only) - 1995, rest is SB AWE32 MIDI or WAV?,
The Horde (CD-ROM ver.)(PC Redbook - in-game, one track is switched around compared to 3DO & FMT) - 1994, mono streaming for cutscenes, different in-game tracks compared to floppy ver.,
The Labyrinth of Time (PC Redbook) - 1993,
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based, some streamed ambient sfx,
Alone in the Dark 2 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993,
Master of Orion (PC Redbook?) - 1993, midi-based (different from SC-55 and MT-32 uploads so probably cd),
Necrodome (PC Redbook - 15 tracks) - 1996, part GM (main menu only?), midi-based,
Future Wars: Adventures in Time (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1990,
TFX (PC Redbook) - 1993, remastered midi tracks,
Renegade: Battle for Jacobs Star (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Capitalism Plus (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi/synth-based,
Battle Arena Toshinden (PC Redbook - same as PS1 JP ver.? (more midi-like arrangement)) - 1996, midi-based,
XS (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mono streaming (cutscenes), find rip,
Wetlands (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
Alone in the Dark 3 (PC Redbook) - 1994,
Inca II: Wiracocha/Inca II: Nations of Immortality (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993 or 1994, mostly opl in-game,
Pray for Death (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, mostly midi/synth-based,
World of Aden: Thunderscape (PC Redbook, streaming ambient sfx) - 1995, part midi-based,
TekWar/William Shatner's TekWar (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Worms: Reinforcements (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Genocide 2: Master of the Dark Communion (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based (SC-55 recordings?), find rip,
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks w/ live guitar?,
World Rally Fever: Born on the Road (PC Redbook) - 1996, find rip, part synth/midi-based,
Bug Too! (PC Redbook - same as SAT?)(Windows) - 1996, mostly midi/synth-based, find rip,
Soldiers of Fortune/The Chaos Engine (PC Redbook - intro, title and char select menu only) - 1994, OPL in-game,
Loom (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1991,
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1996,
Raiden (PC Redbook) - 1994, rearranged ARC tracks, midi-based,
Betrayal at Krondor (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, sounds like remastered midi tracks,
Stellar 7 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1990?,
Bug! (PC Redbook) - 1996, somewhat remastered SAT tracks, midi-based,
Hind: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi-based, find rip,
Civilization II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part streaming (all cutscenes?, setup menu, diplomacy screens, some jingles), mostly midi-based redbook OST,, In-game (streamed tracks only):
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (PC Redbook or GM?) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail/Das Schwarze Auge: Sternenschweif (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks,
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (PC Redbook) - 1996,
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition (PC Redbook - same as PS1 except some tracks are in a different order?) - 1996, midi/synth-based (mostly remastered/arranged arcade tracks), streamed mono jingles,, In-game:
Worms (PC Redbook)(one vocal track) - 1995, part mod/midi-based,
Tactical Manager (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Pinball Dreams Deluxe/Pinball Arcade (PC Redbook (intro only?), .mod music in-game) - 1994,
Hyper Crazy Climber (PC Redbook)(Windows?) - 1996, mostly midi-based, find rip,
Mutation of J.B. (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi/synth-based,
Diggers (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, OPL/adlib main menu and mineral trading menu,
Alien Logic (PC Redbook (main menu, in-game) - 1994, streaming audio or redbook cutscenes in mono,
Polanie (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi-based,
Battle Chess: Enhanced CD-ROM (PC Redbook) - 1992, midi-based,
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon Intro (CD Ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Judge Dredd (PC Redbook) - 1996, slightly remastered SNES tracks (still in mono),
Goblins Quest 3 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994,
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)? - 1991,
Links: Championship Course - Pebble Beach Golf Links (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1993,
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf Club (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1994,
Gobliiins (PC Redbook?) - 1993,,
Genewars (PC Redbook - in-game tracks) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes,
Eternam (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992, some opl tracks,
Die Höhlenwelt Saga: Der Leuchtende Kristall (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks,
The Manhole: New and Enhanced! (PC Redbook) - 1992, remastered midi tracks,
Jones in the Fast Lane (CD ver.)(PC Redbook, remastered MT-32 recordings?) - OPL2 in-game?, 1992,
Mario Teaches Typing (CD Ver.)(PC Redbook (ending only? mono), adlib in-game) - 1992,
Beyond the Wall of Stars (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(Windows) - 1992,
Spirit of Excalibur (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1991, midi-like (mt-32),
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-like,
NASCAR Racing (PC Redbook, streaming audio intro in mono) - 1994, find hq:
Psycho Killer (PC Redbook - title & credits only?) - 1993, streaming audio in mono in-game,
Freddi Fish (PC Redbook or streaming audio or midi (mono)?) - 1994,
Mortal Kombat (CD-ROM Version)(PC Redbook, ARC ver. recordings) - 1994,
ShadowCaster (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, sounds like remastered midi tracks,
The Backyard (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993,
The Playroom (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993 (re-release),
Sensible World of Soccer: European Championship Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995 streaming audio intro (stereo cd audio track on the disc)/fm in-game,
WIP CD audio only? 1997 onwards:
G-Nome (PC Redbook?) - 1997
Carmageddon 1997, Fallout 1997, Darklight Conflict 1997, Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1997, Norse by Norse West: The Return of the Lost Vikings 1997, Pro Pinball: Timeshock! 1997, Redneck Rampage 1997, Shadow Warrior 1997, Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command (1939-1999)(PC, SB Wav intro) 1997, Test Drive: Off-Road 1997, Little Big Adventure 2/Twinsen's Odyssey 1997, Resident Evil (PC Redbook) 1997, Twisted Metal 2 (Windows) - 1997, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC)(Windows) - 1997, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Windows) 1997, Sonic 3D Blast (Windows) 1997, Pandemonium! (Windows) 1997
1997: X-Men: Children of the Atom 1997, X-COM: Apocalypse 1997, Wing Nuts: Battle in the Sky 1997, Waterworld 1997 - partial gm?, Versailles 1685 1997, Time Warriors 1997, Thunder Truck Rally 1997, Tailchaser 1997, Street Racer 1997, Star Command: Revolution 1997, Screamer Rally 1997, Realms of the Haunting 1997, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 1997, Malice: 23rd Century Ultraconversion for Quake 1997, The Last Express - except menus 1997, Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny opl in-game 1997, KKND: Krush Kill 'N Destroy 1997, Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft - wav? 1997, Ignition 1997, Grand Theft Auto 1997, Fragile Allegiance 1997, Championship Manager: Season 97/98 1997, Chasm: The Rift, The City of Lost Children, Conquest Earth: "First Encounter" 1997, Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach GM?, Earth 2140, Extreme Assault, Alpha Storm 1997 partial CD/partial OPL, Armored Fist 2 1997, The City of Lost Children 1997, Redneck Deer Huntin' 1997, Romance of the Three Kingdoms V 1997, Descent to Undermountain 1997? - might be GM?, Herrscher der Meere 1997?, Kick Off 97 1997?, Fallen Haven 1997? Win,
1998: JetFighter: Full Burn/Jet Fighter 1998?, Worms Pinball 1998? Win - shares all or some songs with Worms 2 1998 (or 1997) Win, Might and Magic VI 1998 Win, Motor Mash 1998?, Pro Pinball: Big Race USA? 1998, Przekleta Ziemia 1998?, Queen: The eYe 1998?, Star Trek Pinball 1998?, Tie Break Tenis/Tennis 98? or GM? 1998, The Varginha Incident 1998, War Inc. 1998?, Wreckin Crew 1998?,
Liberation Day 1998? Win, Advanced Strategic Command 1998?, Ultimate Civilization II Collection (PC) -, Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PC Redbook)(Windows)
Check if CD/find:
Targhan (PC Redbook?) - 1990? find, the video I found before had other music added to it
Dragon Lore: The Legend Begins (PC Streaming Audio? - mono, SB .wav/streaming audio?) - 1994,
Lost in Time CD-ROM version? - 1994, find
E.S.S Mega (PC Redbook?) - 1991, find
Sport's Best (PC Redbook?) - 1992, find
The Great War: 1914-1918 (PC Redbook?) - 1992, find cd audio upload
Tornado (PC Redbook?) - 1993, find cd audio upload
Jutland (PC Redbook?) - 1993, find cd audio upload
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
The Settlers/Serf City (PC Redbook?) - 1994 or 1995, find cd audio upload
Exploration/Voyages of Discovery (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
Virtuoso (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy CD ver. (PC Redbook) - 1994, no cd audio music in this upload,
Find PC: Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain 1989? (one YT video has redbook in-game, maybe added onto it), SimCity Enhanced (PC, 199?) - streaming intro/no music in-game?, Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance (PC 1990 ver.)?, Battle Stations (PC) 1990, Lords of Doom (PC) 1990, SimEarth: The Living Planet later CD ver.?, 1995: Talisman, C.E.O., Pinball World - part mod music, Teen Agent - cd ver? mod-based on yt, Flamingo Tours, Druid: Daemons of the Mind - find cd ver., Diggers 2: Extractors - find cd, Xixit (SB mod) - find cd?, Kaiser Deluxe, BC Racers - opl find cd, Perfect Pinball, Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds - find cd, Stonekeep (PC, SB Wav/Mod? intro only) - rest is midi find cd, Pinball Illusions mod - find cd, The War College: Universal Military Simulator 3 find better footage, Quarantine II: Road Warrior mod/streaming audio in mono? find cd, Lemmings 3D - same as ps1? find cd ver., Rebel Moon, Championship Manager 2 (PC Redbook?) - 1995, Stars! PC (Windows)? 1995, Eradicator (PC Redbook?) - find better footage/rip, Nana Eiyu Monogatari II (PC Redbook) - 1996, W!Zone II: Retribution (PC Redbook) - 1996, same as WC2? (level pack), Roketz (PC Redbook) - 1996, Johnny Bazookatone (PC Redbook) - 1996, same as 3DO? find, Team F1 (PC Redbook) - 1996, Surface Tension (PC Redbook) - 1996, Timeslaughter (PC Redbook) - 1996 find cd ver.?, Die Fugger II (PC Redbook) - 1996? find cd, id Anthology (PC Redbook) - 1996, WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness (Demo Version) (PC Redbook) - 1996 opl3 only?, Attack of the Mutant Penguins (PC redbook or mod?) - 1996 no music on PC? find rip, Chess Wars: A Medieval Fantasy (SB Wav?, jingles and sfx only) - mostly cd audio or GM? 1996 find rip/better footage, NASCAR Racing 2 (PC Streaming?) 1996 find rip/better footage or no music? no redbook checked iso,
Double check if cd or streaming (currently in the cd list):
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC, uses redbook or streaming audio in mono in parts?, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup) - 1994,,
NHL '95 (PC redbook or streaming audio (mono)?, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,
Novastorm (PC Streaming Audio/"wav" - checked iso) - 1994, mono, could also be tracker music,
Alien Logic (PC Redbook (main menu, in-game), streaming audio or redbook cutscenes in mono) - 1994,
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)? - 1991,
Links: Championship Course - Pebble Beach Golf Links (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1993,
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf Club (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1994,
Beyond the Wall of Stars (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(Windows) - 1992,
Freddi Fish (PC Redbook or streaming audio or midi (mono)?) - 1994,
The Backyard (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993,
The Playroom (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993 (re-release),
Doesn't have CD Audio music, PC non-cd audio: Dune PC 1992 - only a separate OST album, Network Q RAC Rally (PC mod/wav in-game? hard panned) - 1993 the cd tracks are on the game cd but not played in-game:, Star Wars: X-Wing: Collector's Edition, Day of the Tentacle, Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Collector's CD-ROM (gravis ultrasound/midi/adlib) - this and x-wing have 1995 or 1998 versions with cd audio but those tracks are identical to the movies' music, Descent 1995 (the advertised "cd enhanced" version was never made but the music was possibly used in the PS1 port), Full Throttle (PC streaming audio/wav)(vocal tracks) - 1995 part midi-based streamed tracks (checked iso and found no known format+doesn't open in WMP), Star Trek: Judgment Rites Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition 1995 - sounds like streaming mono audio for the intro and mt-32 or adlib in-game depending on setup, Unnecessary Roughness '95 1994 - OPL only? (one of the in-game jingles seems to use sampled percussion), Soccer Kid (PC .mod? hard panned) - 1994 (find cd audio upload?), Wolf (OPL3) - 1994, Might and Magic: World of Xeen (PC Redbook) 1994 - cd audio voice clips only (mt-32 and opl music support), Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective PC - streaming audio in mono, Flashback: The Quest for Identity CD ver. - streaming in cutscenes/mod music on title screen and in-game?, Monkey Island 2 CD-Rom (1991 or 1992) - opl2+mt-32+general midi support only (not CD on FMT either?), Sensible World of Soccer: European Championship Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995 streaming audio intro (stereo cd track on the disc)/fm in-game - incl cd audio ver of intro track on disc but not in-game, Ultima VIII: Pagan (PC GM) 1994, King's Quest VII (PC Streaming) - 1994, PC OPL3/GM SC-55 - some streaming audio tracks (land beyond dreams - vocals+stereo, intro, outro),, Nectaris (PC) 1995 - opl2 fm only?, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (PC GM?) - 1995, midi-based redbook or GM?,, Flight Unlimited (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, stereo streaming? (slightly distorted), no in-game music,, Primal Rage (PC GM) - 1995, general midi/opl2 only,, NHL '95 (PC streaming audio (mono only?) - checked iso, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,, Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster - 1995, GM and/or streaming only - checked iso, Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (PC Streaming - .lbx format) - 1996, high noise floor/minor distortion,, Final Doom (PC GM)(TNT: Evilution & The Plutonia Experiment - Doom 2 expansions) - 1996, GM, also supports OPL2,, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (PC GM/OPL3) - 1996 part streaming (cutscenes) checked iso, Star Control 3 (PC, SB AWE32) - 1996, awe32/adlib/gm support? checked iso, Ripper (PC Streaming Audio (wav+avi))(one licensed track - fear the reaper for the intro & credits) - 1996 checked iso, SimCopter (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part mod-based? (some hard panning), mostly lower sample rate tracks, part mono streaming (some distortion),, SimTunes (PC Streaming & SB AWE32 or GM) - 1996, In Pursuit of Greed 1996 - checked download (no iso), The Need for Speed: Special Edition (PC Streaming Audio (.asf & as4) - checked iso) - 1996, somewhat distorted, Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood (PC Streaming Audio (.wav) - checked iso) - 1996, mono and a bit compressed+distorted,, Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (PC Streaming Audio (unknown format - checked iso)) - 1996, part mono (in-game), Kingdom II: Shadoan (PC Streaming Audio (.raw format) - same as CDi/DVD player?, checked iso) - 1996, stereo, part midi-based, Hugo/Hugo: Äventyret går vidare/Hugo 4 (PC Streaming Audio - unknown format checked iso) - 1996, mono streaming or mod only?, Fable (PC, SB Wav (title only) & other streaming audio in - checked iso) - 1996, mono, ambient sfx in-game; X-Wing and Tie Fighter Special Editions/CD-ROM releases - Neither of these seem to have any cd audio tracks (checked gog ver.+downloaded and checked iso) - 1998 release?, Myst (PC Streaming)(same as MAC ver.?) - 1994, part midi-based,, Dungeon Master (PC) - 1992 there's a separate soundtrack CD for this one, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC Streaming Audio in mono - video files) - 1994, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup, Afterlife (PC, SB wav or gm?) 1996 - checked disc in WMP
PC Streaming Audio (.wav or other format) 1994:
Myst (PC Streaming Audio (.mov?))(same as MAC ver.?) - 1994, iso doesn't open in WMP, part midi-based,
NHL '95 (PC streaming audio (mono only?) - checked iso, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,
Commander Blood (PC Streaming Audio - voc pcm format) - 1994, 22khz? (mono, a bit distorted),, Rip:
NASCAR Racing (PC Streaming Audio - intro in mono) - 1994, part redbook? midi-based, find hq,, Intro:
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC Streaming Audio in mono - video files) - 1994, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup, (added stereo), In-game:
Psycho Killer (PC Streaming Audio) - 1993, streaming audio in mono in-game (distorted), redbook title & credits?, find rip,
The Need for Speed (PC Streaming Audio (.asf, more?)) - 1995, checked iso (won't open in WMP),
Ascendancy (PC Streaming Audio) - 1995, mono streaming at 22khz,
Heroes of Might and Magic I: A Strategic Quest (PC Streaming - checked iso file of 1995 DOS ver.) - 1995, remastered midi-based tracks in 24-bit stereo, part mono (intro and map failed, some ambient sfx),
You Don't Know Jack (PC Streaming Audio?)(Windows, some vocal tracks) - 1995, mono,
Flight Unlimited (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, stereo streaming? (slightly distorted), no in-game music,
CyberMage (PC Streaming Audio?, GM/OPL2) - 1995 stereo streaming or redbook intro?, general midi/OPL2 in-game,
Burn Cycle/Burn: Cycle (PC Streaming Audio?) - mono streaming (minor distortion), sometimes different instruments compared to CD-i, find rip,
J.B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono (some distortion in cutscenes), find rip,
Wetlands (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest (PC Streaming - mono at 22khz) - 1996, part midi-based?,
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, streaming cutscenes? (mono), stereo ambience in-game,, Computer & Navigation screens (mono, some distortion):
Talisman (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono (some distortion),
Torin's Passage (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono streaming (some distortion),, In-game:
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster - 1995, find rip
Civilization II (PC Streaming) - 1996, part streaming (all cutscenes?, setup menu, diplomacy screens, some jingles), mostly midi-based redbook OST,, In-game (streamed tracks only):
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (PC Streaming - .lbx format) - 1996, high noise floor/minor distortion,
Ripper (PC Streaming Audio (wav+avi))(one licensed track - fear the reaper for the intro & credits) - 1996, mono, couldn't open nor convert the .avi files
The Need for Speed: Special Edition (PC Streaming Audio (.asf & as4) - checked iso) - 1996, somewhat distorted,
Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (PC Streaming Audio (unknown format - checked iso))(some vocal tracks) - 1996, part mono (in-game), In-game:, Credits (Death Song):,
Kingdom II: Shadoan (PC Streaming Audio (.raw format) - same as CDi/DVD player?) - 1996, stereo, part midi-based,, In-game (DVD player ver.):
SimCopter (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part mod-based? (some hard panning), two non-jingle .wav tracks, part mono streaming (some distortion),
Hugo/Hugo: Äventyret går vidare/Hugo 4 (PC Streaming Audio - unknown format checked iso) - 1996, mono streaming or mod only? find rip,
Fable (PC, SB Wav (title only) & other streaming audio in - checked iso) - 1996, mono, ambient sfx in-game,
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood (PC Streaming Audio (.wav) - checked iso) - 1996, mono and a bit compressed+distorted,
SimTunes (PC Streaming & SB AWE32 or GM) - 1996, mono only, mostly GM/AWE32,
Transport Tycoon (PC) - GM?
iF-16/F-16 Fighting Falcon (PC, SB Wav)
Alien Virus (PC, SB wav/mod? intro, ambient sfx)(in-game) partial cd audio?
In Pursuit of Greed (PC, SB Mod) - mod only according to the uploader, check
CyberMage (PC, SB wav or general midi? cutscenes) - OPL3 in-game
Apache/Apache Longbow (PC, SB Wav?) PCM+OPL or GM? or streaming? - stereo ver.:
Alain Prost Grand Prix/Prost Grand Prix (PC, SB Wav or CD?)(in-game, mono)
Ecstatica I & II (SB Wav or GM?)?
Eradicator (SB AWE32, Wav, GM or CD?)?
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny (PC, SB Wav?) or cd audio?
Ultima Online (SB AWE64, Windows) - cd or wav or gm?
Jonah Lomu Rugby (PC, SB Wav? or CD or mod?)(in-game)
FIFA Soccer 97 (PC, SB Wav?) - stereo
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (PC, SB Wav? or GM)
NeoHunter/Neo Hunter (PC, SB "wav"/streaming audio) - 1996, mono & a bit distorted, find rip,
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (PC, some streaming audio in mono, rest is midi/adlib depending on the setup?)
Madden NFL 97 (PC, SB Wav? or CD), Final Impact (SB Wav/Mod?)(in-game), Discworld (SB AWE32?) general midi?, Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft (SB Wav, stereo), Metaltech: EarthSiege (SB AWE32?/GM/RAP-10?), Pinball Mania (PC, SB mod), Gabriel Knight: SotF (SB AWE32),
Zool 2 (SB Mod?) find stereo?, Judge Dredd Pinball (PC, SB Wav/Mod? or CD)(in-game), Alien Carnage (SB mod), Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (SB AWE32), The Dame Was Loaded (PC, SB wav?), Project-X (SB Mod) find stereo?, Caesar II (PC, SB Wav/AWE32? intro & jingles), Blood (SB AWE32?) - general midi?, Pinball Dreams 2 (SB mod), Soccer Kid (SB Mod) find stereo?,
Saban's Iznogoud (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Phantasmagoria (SB AWE32), Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (SB AWE32), Doom II (SB AWE32/64), Stargunner (SB AWE32/mod?), Giant Sisters Xmas/Giana Sisters Xmas (SB mod), Kart Race (PC, SB Mod), Vanguard Ace (SB mod), Apocalypse Abyss (SB mod), Sila's Quest (SB mod?),
DN3D: Duke it out in D.C. (SB AWE32?, incl X-files remix), MegaRace 2 (SB AWE32?), ???????? ?????????? (russian)/Watch Out for the Car (SB Mod) find hq?, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (SB AWE32?), Pinball World (SB mod), Aladdin (PC, SB mod?), Zak McKracken 2 (Beta, SB mod), SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest (PC, AWE32/Wav? or RAP-10),
Links LS: Legends in Sports '97 (PC, SB Wav? or CD), Die Pirateninsel (PC, SB Mod), Asterix & Obelix (PC, SB mod?), The Need for Speed (PC, SB wav? intro) partial cd?, Deadline (PC, SB wav/mod or GM? staff roll) wav in-game?, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (PC, SB Wav?) find custom AWE64 in-game, Betrayal in Antara (PC, SB Wav?), Radix: Beyond the Void (SB mod), Duke: Nuclear Winter (SB AWE32?), Brett Hull Hockey 95 (PC, SB Wav?),
Duke Nukem 3D (PC, SB AWE32 EMU 8011 & AWE64), Morphello (SB mod), Ultimate Body Blows (SB mod?) find rip, Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star (PC, SB Mod? or GM), Fourth Generation (SB Mod), 2 Fast 4 U (PC, SB Mod), Theme Hospital (PC, AWE32), California Gold Rush! (PC, SB Wav? 1998 ver.), Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (PC, SB Wav?), Pinball 3D-VCR (SB mod),
Quadnet (PC, SB Mod/Wav?)(in-game), SubWar 2050 (SB mod, title only?), Ark of Time (PC, SB Wav?), Big Red Racing (PC, SB Wav?) - 1995, Strike Base (PC, SB Wav/Mod?), Black Knight: MSF (SB mod), Hardline (SB AWE32 or wav?), Archon Ultra (SB mod), Command & Conquer (PC, SB Wav/mod? menus) cd audio in-game, Star Wars: Dark Forces (SB AWE32),
Turbo Lode (Loderunner Remake)(SB mod), Ascendancy (PC, SB mod/wav?), Stardust (PC, SB Mod?), Slam Tilt (PC, SB Mod) find hq, Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach (SB AWE64? or GM), The Original Mulan (PC, SB Wav?) - cd audio? find hq, Dungeon Keeper (SB Wav? cutscenes, ambient sfx as part of the cd music), An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (SB AWE32?), Gone Fishin' (SB AWE32?), Silverball (SB mod),
Battling Butlers (SB Mod), Police Quest: SWAT (PC, SB AWE32/64?), Destruction Derby 2 (PC, SB wav? menus) cd audio in-game, MTV: Club Dead (SB Wav?), Cyberia 2: Resurrection (PC, SB Wav?), Pinball Prelude (PC, SB Mod?), Lighthouse: The Dark Being (PC, SB Wav?), Crazy Drake (PC, SB mod), Top Gun: Fire at Will! (SB wav?),
Wingstar (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC, SB wav? main menu only?) cd in-game, Delta V (SB AWE32), Tomb Raider (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes) cd in-game, Warcraft (SB AWE32/64), Torin's Passage (PC, SB wav?), Drilling Billy (SB Mod), Reunion (SB mod), Iron Seed (SB mod), Troddlers (SB AWE32?) GM?,
Ravage (Alpha Helix Productions)(PC, SB Mod?), Deus (PC, SB Wav/AWE32?), Pinball Dreams & Pinball Dreams Deluxe/Pinball Arcade (PC, SB mod) - cd intro in DX, Expert Pinball (SB mod), Empire II: The Art of War (PC, SB AWE32/Wav? intro), Quarterback Attack (PC, SB Wav?), Conquest of the New World: Deluxe Edition (PC, SB Wav or GM? ambient sfx in-game), Diggers (SB mod), U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project (PC, SB Mod), Heretic (SB AWE32/64),
Fox Ranger (SB AWE32?) general midi?, Tiny Toon Adventures: The Great Beanstalk (PC, SB Wav or GM?), Ar'Kritz the Intruder (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Cyberia (PC, SB Wav?), Back to Baghdad (PC, SB wav?), Albion (PC, SB mod/wav intro, ambient sfx), Privateer 2: The Darkening (PC, SB Wav?) GM in-game?, Blood & Magic (PC, SB wav or GM? intro) OPL3 in-game, Atlantis: The Lost Tales (PC, SB Wav?),
Orion Burger (PC, SB Wav/Mod?),Sonic & Knuckles Collection (PC, SB AWE64) Windows, SkoolDaze: Klass of '99 (PC, SB Mod/AWE32?), L.A. Blaster (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes) cd in-game+loading screen?, Necrodome (SB mod) partial cd?, Dune II (AWE64), Harvester (PC, SB Wav?), Charly the Clown (PC, SB mod?)(in-game), Chex Quest (PC, SB AWE64 or GM?), The Pandora Directive (PC, SB Wav?),
Paragliding (PC, SB Mod?), Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murder (PC, SB Wav?), Black Gold (PC, SB Mod?), Jump 'n Bump (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), 3 Skulls of the Toltecs (PC, SB wav?), Gargoyle Medieval Pack (SB Mod), Evasive Action (SB mod), Batman Forever (PC, SB wav?)(in-game), Toonstruck (PC, SB Wav?), Jet Set Miner Willy (SB mod),
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Crazy Brix (SB mod), Tsumera Pinball (SB mod), Chain Reaction (SB mod, 1996), ?MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (PC, SB wav/mod? cutscenes, GM in-game?), Bedlam 2 (SB wav?), Genewars (PC, SB Wav?), L'affaire Morlov (PC, SB Wav?), Mine Bombers (SB mod), Spycraft: The Great Game (PC, SB Wav?), Rama (PC, SB Wav?) find hq, Cyril Cyberpunk (PC, SB mod), Millennia: Altered Destinies (PC, SB wav/mod? cutscenes), Cyclemania (SB Mod), Star Control II (SB mod) partial cd audio, Gender Wars (PC, SB wav/mod?) gm or cd in-game?, Witchaven (PC, SB AWE32/wav?), Steel Shot (SB mod), Stellar Stryker (SB mod), Seal Of Nehahra (SB mod), Brudal Baddle (SB mod), Chewy: Esc from F5 (SB mod/wav?), Fade to Black (SB wav/AWE32?), Tux Racer (SB mod) Windows, Bedlam (SB wav?), X-COM: UFO Defense (SB AWE32), Terra Probe (PC, SB Mod), Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! (PC, SB Wav?) partial cd or GM?, Harpoon II & Admiral's Edition (SB Mod/Wav?) find hq?, Gunmetal (PC, SB Wav or GM?) - find hq, Extreme Pinball (PC, SB mod), Tough Guy (PC, SB AWE32? or GM), Magic Carpet (SB AWE64), Prisoner of Ice (PC, SB AWE32/Wav?), International Tennis Open (SB Mod/Wav?, intro) find hq?, Superfrog (PC, SB Mod), Oscar (SB AWE32/GM?), Krypton Egg (SB Mod/Wav?) find hq?, Worms (PC, SB wav? cutscenes) partial cd?, Kids on Site (SB Wav?) find hq?, Outer Ridge (SB mod), Boovie (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (SB wav/AWE32?), Mortal Kombat 3 (PC, SB wav/mod jingles only), Ripley's Believe It or Not!: Riddle of Master Lu (SB wav? cutscenes), Star Trek: The Next Generation - "A Final Unity" (SB AWE32/wav?), Simon the Sorcerer II (SB AWE32?), Vigilance on Talos V (SB mod) partial cd?, Aro (SB mod), Lords of the Realm II (SB wav/AWE32?), Flying Tigers 2 (SB mod), Flying Tigers (SB mod), Slipstream 5000 (PC, SB wav? intro & title), Fury3 & Hellbender (SB mod) Windows, Overdrive (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), 1942: The Pacific Air War Gold (SB Wav?), Strife (PC, AWE32?)(in-game), Entity (PC, SB mod), Rebel Runner: Operation: Digital Code (SB mod), Tronic (SB mod), Dracula Unleashed (SB wav?), Speed Haste (PC, SB mod), Ultima VI (SB mod), Pssst (SB mod), Léto s Oskarem (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Football Glory (PC, SB Wav?), OverKill (SB mod/awe32?), BC Racers (PC, SB Wav? intro) cd in-game?, Adventures of Robbo (SB wav/mod?), Dragon's Lair (SB wav?), Jurassic War (SB AWE32?), Autka (PC, SB Mod), Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II (SB Wav? cutscenes), Quadrax (SB mod), Sentry (Sentinel Remake) (SB mod), BreakLine (SB mod), Eight Ball Deluxe (SB wav/mod?), Escape from Delirium (SB mod), Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume I-III (SB wav?) cd audio?, Another World (SB mod/wav?), Yo! Joe! (SB wav/mod?) find hq?, Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball (SB mod), Silent Hunter (PC, SB Wav), Jumping Jack (SB mod), Kingdom at War (SB mod), Giant Sisters/Giana Sisters (SB mod), Hannibal (PC, SB mod), BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Frontier: Elite II (SB AWE64), D (PC, SB wav?), C-Dogs (SB, X-Files theme), Polda aneb S poctivostí nejdrív pojdeš (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Space Federation/Star Reach (SB mod), National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 (SB wav, cutscenes), Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (PC, SB wav/mod?), Screamer (SB mod/partial AWE32?), Jane's U.S. Navy Fighters 97 (PC, SB Wav?), Fire & Ice (PC, SB AWE64) glitches?, Cricket 97 (SB wav?), Heartlight & Heartlight Deluxe (SB mod/wav?), Interpose (SB mod), The Discoverers (SB Wav?, cutscenes), PGA Tour Golf 486 (SB Wav intro), Kingdom: The Far Reaches (PC, SB Wav?), NASCAR Racing (SB intro?) mostly cd audio, Jet Set Willy (PC, SB Mod), Cyberwar (1994, SB mod/wave?), The Terminator: Future Shock (SB AWE32), Who Shot Johnny Rock? (SB Wav?), Robinson's Requiem (SB Wav? title only?, Ishar III (SB wav/mod?), The Backyard (SB AWE32/wav?), Trial by Magic (SB Mod) find hq?, Arnie 2 (SB mod), Quik the Thunder Rabbit (PC, SB mod), Ultima Underworld I (SB AWE64) some glitches, Flying Corps (SB wav/AWE32?), Into the Void (SB wav/mod?), Trash It (PC, SB Wav/Mod?), X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse (SB AWE32?), Star Wars: Rebel Assault II (SB wav?), Skaut Kwatermaster (PC, SB Wav? or GUS), Electroman (SB wav?), Star Wars: Rebel Assault (SB wav?), Mad News (PC, SB mod), Voyeur (SB Wav?), Down in the Dumps (PC, SB wav?) - partial cd?, Crime Patrol (SB Wav?, cutscenes), Soccer Superstars (PC, SB Mod?), Constructor (SB AWE32/wav?) - cd in-game?, Stack Up (SB wav/mod?), Ultima VI (SB AWE64), Mr. Boom (PC, SB Mod), Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence (PC, SB Wav?), Night Trap (PC, SB Wav?), Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (SB Wav?) find hq?, Time Gate: Knight's Chase (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes), Mad Dog McCree (SB wav?), Imperium Galactica (SB wav?), Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (SB wav?, cutscenes) find AWE32 midi, LineWars II (SB mod/wav?), Lion King (SB mod), Slicks 'n' Slide (SB wav?, title), Space Hulk (SB wav, intro), Kingdom O' Magic (PC, SB Wav?), Rise 2: Resurrection (PC, SB Wav? menus, ambient sfx in-game) cd audio in-game, Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command (1939-1999) (PC, SB intro) mostly cd audio, Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends 2 (SB AWE32?), Asmodeus: Tajemný kraj Ruthaniolu (PC, SB mod?) partial cd?, Psychic Detective (PC, SB Wav?), The Horde (SB mod) - floppy ver. uses mono streaming for cutscenes and seemingly mod music in-game (hard panned), Nicky Boom (SB mod/wav?) seems glitched, KKND: Krush Kill 'N Destroy (PC, SB Wav? intro) cd in-game?, Alien Incident (SB mod), Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge (PC, SB Wav?), Comanche 3 (SB wav?, cutscenes/menus) find awe32 midi, Clone (SB mod), Mr. Tomato (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters (SB wav/AWE32?), Legend of Kyrandia (SB AWE32), The Rocketeer (SB wav? cutscenes), World Wide Rally (SB wav?), MDK (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Teen Agent/Teenagent (PC, SB mod), Rayman (PC, SB wav? jingles only), Burnout: Championship Drag Racing (PC, SB Wav?), Stunt Island (SB wav?), MULE (PC, 1999, SB mod), Rocks 'n' Diamonds (PC, SB Mod), Leyendas de Lhodrye: Arakhas el Oscuro (SB mod/wav?), Shrak for Quake (SB?), Pump Fighters (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), Colony 28 (SB wav/mod?), Montezuma's Return (SB wav/AWE32?), Mortal Kombat Trilogy (PC, SB wav? jingles only) cd audio, Arcade Pool (SB AWE32/GUS/GM?), The Last Express (PC, SB Wav? menus, ambient sfx) cd in-game?, Leyendas de Lhodrye: La Luz del Druida (SB mod), El-Fish (SB AWE32?), Street Fighter II Turbo (SB AWE32), Inner Worlds (SB mod), Manchester United: The Double (PC mod), Blast Chamber (PC, SB AWE32/wav?) find hq, Bargon Attack (SB mod/wav, cutscenes) no in-game music?, Archimedean Dynasty (SB mod? ambient sfx only) cd in-game, Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (SB wav/AWE32?), Biing!: Sex, Intrigue and Scalpels (PC, SB Wav?), Police Quest 4: Open Season (SB wav intro only?), Tokkobot (SB mod), Seek and Destroy (PC, SB Mod/wav?) Rol Crusaders (PC, SB Wav? intro), Spellcross (SB wav?), Nomad (SB wav) no in-game music?, King Kong 10 (SB mod?), Hunter Hunted (PC, SB Wav?), Chronomaster (SB wav?) find hq & awe32 (some adlib) 1995, Rollin (SB mod), Ishar: Legend of the Fortress (SB wav?), Baldies (SB mod or AWE32?)(in-game), Plan 9 from Outer Space (SB AWE32/wav?), Z (PC, SB wav?, cutscenes) find awe32, Pushover (SB AWE32?), Mega Man X (PC, SB AWE32), SimCity: Enhanced CD-ROM (SB wav?) no in-game music?, IndyCar Racing II (PC, SB Wav?) no in-game music?, Blues Brothers Jukebox Adventures (SB mod), Lure of the Temptress (SB wav/mod?), Pizza Worm (SB mod), Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker (PC, SB AWE32?), Dungeon Master (SB wav?), Manic Miner (PC, SB mod), Chess Wars: A Medieval Fantasy (SB Wav, jingles and sfx only) - mostly cd audio?, Red Ghost (PC, SB Wav? intro), Civil War (Empire) (SB mod), WWII GI (PC, SB Mod)(Platoon cover, in-game), Space Pirates (SB Wave?), Flight Unlimited (PC, SB wav? intro only), MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only), M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only), GTA/Grand Theft Auto (PC, SB Wav? ambience only), Quake (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) - otherwise redbook, Chasm: The Rift (SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio, Redneck Rampage (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio?, Ignition (PC, SB Wav? logos only) cd audio?, The City of Lost Children (SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio?, Earth 2140 (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio in-game?, Amok (SB wav? ambient sfx in menu only) cd in-game?, Rise of the Robots (SB Wav? intro only), Beyond the Abyss (SB Wav/Mod?, jingle only), Splat! (PC, SB Mod?), SimTower/Sim Tower (PC, SB Wav?) - ambient fx only besides title jingle, Duke Nukem's Penthouse Paradise - no music? or cd audio, Fragile Allegiance (SB Wav? logo only) cd audio?, E.T.: No More Mr. Nice Alien - no music?, Fighter Duel - no music?, I-0: Jailbait on Interstate Zero - no music?, Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl - no music?, Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air - no music?, Redneck Deer Huntin' - no music?/cd audio, Super Stupid Space Invaders - no music?, TerraFire 1997 - no music?, Tommy's Gorilla Balls series - no music?, Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge - no music?, Air Puck - no music?, Air Warrior - no music?, Aquanoid - no music?, Conflict: Korea - The First Year 1950-51 - no music?, Cyberchess - no music?, Elysium - no music?, Heaven & Earth - no music?, Hill Street Blues - no music?, Hovertank One/Hovertank 3D - no music?, Jump Jet - no music?, Legends of Valour - no music?, Loader Larry - no music?, The Manager - no music?, Millennium: Return to Earth - no music?, Moraff's Stones - no music?, Omnitrend's Paladin II - no music?, One-Nil Soccer Manager - no sound?, Oxyd - no music?, Pacific Islands - no music?, Ports of Call - no music?, Ragnarok - no music?, Rock'N Roller - no music?, Secret Agent - no music? Spy Snatcher - no sound?, Stickybear Town Builder - no music?, Stunt Driver - no music?, Super ZZT - no music?, The Abbey - no music?, ALF's U.S. Geography - no music?, BipBop II - no music?, Capture the Flag - no music?, The Chessmaster 3000 - no music?, The Complete Universal Military Simulator - no music?, Construction Bob in the Bouncing Factory - no music?, Curse of the Catacombs - no music?, Dangerous Dave's Risky Rescue - no music?, Football Manager 3 - no music?, The Keys to Maramon - no music?, Lunar Command - no sound?, Math Blaster: Episode One - In Search of Spot - no music?, Dungeons of the Unforgiven - no sound?, Moraff's World - no sound?, Ragnarok - no music?, Shadow President - no music?, Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle - no music? pc speaker, Tom & Jerry - no music? pc speaker, Vikings: Fields of Conquest - Kingdoms of England II - no music?, Vlak - no music?, Wall Pipe - no music? pc speaker, 1994Pool+ - no music?, AstroFire - no music?, Battlehawks 1942 - no music? pc speaker, Carrier Command PC - no music?, Clonk - no music?, Crystal Caves - no music? pc speaker, Inspektor Zebok: Das Erbe - no music?, Amazon Snake - no music?, Blackstar: Agent of Justice (PC) - pc speaker jingles only?, Breakfree (PC) - no music?, Deer Napped - no music?, Footy Fanatic - no sound?, Caverns of Xaskazien pc speaker, Framed - no music (except ambient opl noise at title), Gladiator - no music?, Great Naval Battles Vol. III: Fury in the Pacific, 1941-44 - no music?, Steel Panthers - no music?, Williams Arcade Classics - no music?, World at War: Volume II - Stalingrad - no music?, Ancient Domains of Mystery - no music?, Ant Run - no music? pc speaker only, Rally Sport - no music?, Spirou OPL2?, Advanced NetWars - no music?, Alien Phobia - no music?, Angband - no music?, CHAMP Asterocks (SB mod or pc speaker?), E.T.: No More Mr. Nice Alien - no sound?, I-0: Jailbait on Interstate Zero - no sound?, Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl - no sound?, A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - no music?, Beyond the Titanic - no music?, Blitzkrieg at the Ardennes - no sound?, Chickens 2 - no music?, Ducks - no music?, Fuck Quest - pc speaker, Island Hopper - no music?, Jasper's Journeys 1997 - no music?, Photopia - no sound?, Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. - no sound?, Football Masters 99 - no sound?, Hamurabi - no sound?, Hyper Tank! (PC, SB Mod?) - short jingle only, Lemonade Stand 1999 - no sound?, Liero 1999 - no music, NetHack 1992 - no sound?, Peach's Dream - no music?, Snood 1996 or 1999 - no music?, Space Fortress 1999 - no sound?, Submarine Fury 1999 - short jingle only, Tajemnica Statuetki 1993 - no music?, Zee Artillery 1999 - no sound?,
Links: The Challenge of Golf (PC, 1990)?
James Pond 2 (PC, SB mod or "wav") - very similar to AMI but in mono and w/ slightly simpler arrangements (downloaded, can't dump midi or opl via dosbox)
Ecco the Dolphin (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1995, same as MCD?,
The Even More Incredible Machine (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993,
Descent II/Descent II: Vertigo Series (PC Redbook) - 1996, also supports awe32+gm (different tracks),, In-game (Vertigo):
Quake (PC Redbook) - 1996, streaming ambient sfx,
WipEout (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part mono streaming (logo, intro),
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mono streaming (menu ambience), part midi/synth-based cd tracks,
NHL 97 (PC Redbook)(different) - 1996,
Tomb Raider (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part streaming audio (cutscenes), missing some in-game jingles from the SAT/PS1 versions?, part midi/synth-based,, Broken bridge part (in-game):
NBA Live 97 (PC Redbook) - 1996,
The Dig (PC Redbook) - 1995, redbook only?,
Diablo (PC Redbook)(Windows)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi/synth-based, mostly mono mixing,
Fantasy General (PC Redbook)(mostly vocal tracks (choir)) - 1996, part midi-based?,
The 7th Guest (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1993, mostly midi (in-game),
NHL 96 (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Neverhood (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks & vocal elements) - 1996,
Inferno (PC Redbook) - 1994, part synth/midi-based,
FIFA 97/FIFA Soccer 97 (PC Redbook - partially different on PS1?) - 1996, part streaming (intro)?, midi-based drums?,
SWIV 3D (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements, two classical tracks) - 1996,
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty (PC redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1997, part midi-based,
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, part midi-based,
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi-based?,
Tempest 2000 (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1?) - 1996,
NBA Live 95 (PC Redbook - same as SAT? except menu and pause songs are redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995,, Intro:
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (PC Redbook)(Expansion) - 1996, part midi-based,
Powerslave/Exhumed (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1 besides the Main Menu/Credits track, some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Tunnel B1 (PC Redbook - same as SAT/PS1?) - 1996, part synth/midi-based,
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (PC Redbook)(Windows, some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based,
Death Rally (PC Redbook) - 1996, find full hq rip, part synth/mod-based,
King's Quest VI (CD ver.)(PC Redbook - staff roll only? part midi-based)(vocal track) - 1993, streaming audio intro in mono, midi in-game,, in-game:
Angst: Rahz's Revenge (PC Redbook) - 1996,
FX Fighter Turbo (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, sequel,
Star General (PC Redbook) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes?, mono in dos or 1.0 ver.? (1.1/win is stereo), part synth-based,, In-game (1.1):
Microcosm (Collector's Edition)(PC Redbook) - 1994, midi after opening credits?,
BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, part midi-based,
Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow & Gold ver. (PC Redbook) - 1996/1997, minor distortion/high noise floor, part streaming (cutscenes)?,
Bad Mojo (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part synth/midi-based,
FIFA Soccer 96 (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?)(some vocal elements) - 1995, stereo,,
Time Commando (PC Redbook - 2 tracks only (Theme and Future))(Windows ver., some vocal elements) - 1996, rest is streaming (.acf) and GM/FM (in-game), part midi-based cd tracks,,
Rayman (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, redbook except for some streamed jingles, part midi-based,
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament (PC Redbook, in-game)(Special Edition ver. only?): 1995,
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements - 1996, part streaming audio? (intro and monastery?),
Sonic CD (PC Redbook) - 1995 or 1996, same as the MCD ver. (different US CD OST),
Die Hard Trilogy (PC Redbook - same as PS1/SAT?) - 1996, find rip, part synth/midi-based,
Earthworm Jim 2/Earthworm Jim 1 & 2: The Whole Can 'O Worms (PC Redbook - same as PS1/SAT except lvl 2 was removed and the office level uses the lvl 2 music instead of the granny bonus lvl music, one a capella track) - 1996, one new track (secret room), part midi-based,
Syndicate Wars (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Alien Trilogy (PC Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1996,
Big Red Racing (PC Redbook - 12 tracks on disc) - 1995, part streaming (cutscenes), part midi/synth-based,
Destruction Derby 2 (PC Redbook - same as PS1?) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes & main menu?,
Archimedean Dynasty (PC Redbook) - 1996, part synth-based,
Phantasmagoria (PC Redbook - main theme & end credits only? vocal tracks) - 1995, midi only in-game?,
Destruction Derby (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?, some vocal elements) - 1995,
Whale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio in mono for the logo,
Super Stardust '96 (PC Redbook) - 1996,, Title:
Starfighter 3000 (PC Redbook - same as 3DO/PS1/SAT?) - 1993, midi/synth-based (techno),
Garfield: Caught in the Act (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, mostly midi-based?,
The Curse of Monkey Island/Monkey Island 3 (PC Redbook)(Windows, some vocal tracks) - 1997, part midi-based,
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (PC Redbook)(a few vocal elements) - 1996,
Alien Virus (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, might be stereo streaming?, mono streaming ambience in-game, find intro rip,
Daytona USA (PC Redbook - same as SAT, some vocal tracks & vocal elements)(Windows) - 1996, part midi/synth-based,
Absolute Pinball (PC Redbook) - 1996, mostly synth/midi/mod-based,
Mortal Kombat 3 (PC Redbook)(same as ARC?, some vocal elements) - 1995, redbook except for some streamed jingles, part midi/sample-based,
Screamer 2 (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996,
Earthworm Jim (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio for the logo, same as MCD ver. besides lack of jingles before levels on DOS which use FM synth in that version (on Windows (Special Edition) these use basic midi, the andy asteroids win jingle seems to use midi in both PC versions), part midi-based,
Screamer (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based drums?,
The Incredible Machine 2/The Incredible Machine Version 3.0 (PC Redbook)(vocal elements in some tracks and some vocal tracks (rap)) - 1995,
Inca (CD ver.)(PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1993, part midi/synth-based,
Lords of the Realm II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, mono streaming on DOS? (also used for credits in WIN ver.), part midi-based,
Warhawk/AirAssault (PC Redbook - same as PS1 (checked image file))(Windows) - 1996, part midi-based,
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game (PC Redbook)(different from SAT) - 1996, part midi-based,
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, midi-based, the CD tracks aren't actually supported in-game on PC (can only be played separately or in the Mac version),
Command & Conquer (PC Redbook - in-game) - 1995, streaming audio in menus, part synth/midi-based,
Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations (PC Redbook) - 1996, only partial stereo? (Voices, Charge, Creep, Drill, Fist, Recon, Drone - checked an iso), part synth/midi-based,
Protostar: War on the Frontier (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993, streaming audio logos in mono, part mod/synth-based,
Assault Rigs (PC Redbook - same as PS1) - 1996,, Title 1 (in-game):
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (PC Redbook)(same as PS1?) - 1995, part midi-based,
HardBall 5 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
FX Fighter (PC Redbook) - 1995, very similar to mod ver.,
Grand Prix II/Grand Prix 2 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,, Menu:
Rise 2: Resurrection (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996,
Amok/AMOK (PC Redbook - same as SAT?) - 1996, some streaming .wav ambient sfx in menus?,
Zyclunt/Blade Warrior (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1995, midi/synth-based,
DreamWeb (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994 or 1995?,
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (PC Redbook - same as NGCD?)(Windows) - 1996, find rip, part midi/synth-based,; In-game:
Pro Pinball: The Web (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings (Canadian CD-ROM ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Secret of Monkey Island (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Brain Dead 13 (PC Redbook) - 1995, minor distortion, more stereo separation in-game, part midi-based?,
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (PC Redbook) - 1995, mostly midi-based,
S.T.O.R.M. (PC Redbook) - 1996, find rip,
Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles (PC Redbook) - 1996, part midi-based, no redbook on campaign disk exp,
Alone in the Dark (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992, includes Jack in the Dark (christmas promo bonus mode, seems to only have adlib support), find rip,
Manic Karts (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Return to Zork (PC Redbook) - 1993, part midi,
Sam & Max: Hit the Road (PC Redbook - tracks 47-50 only?)(one vocal track) - 1993, mostly midi tracks, redbook=remastered midi tracks besides the vocal one?,
Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes Back (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, find hq/find rip, part midi-based,
Jurassic Park (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993, mostly midi-based,
Fascination (CD ver.)(PC Redbook)(different) - 1992,
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within/The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (PC GM or Redbook?) - 1995, midi-based or general midi?,
Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva/Das Schwarze Auge: Schatten über Riva (PC Redbook)(some vocal tracks) - 1996, remastered midi tracks?,
Hellbender (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mod-based?, incl a different .mod OST for if you don't use the CD,
Fury3 & Hellbender (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1995, cd tracks on disc are separate from the in-game music?,
EF 2000 (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi/synth-based,
Shattered Steel (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based?, a bit compressed?,
Fatal Racing/Whiplash (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi/synth-based,
The Settlers II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part midi-based, also supports GM,
The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Great Naval Battles Vol. IV (PC Redbook) 1995, mostly midi-based,
SuperKarts (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1995,
Quarantine (PC Redbook)(vocal tracks) - 1994, streaming audio in mono for the logos,
Creature Shock (PC Redbook)(different from CD-i) - 1994, streaming audio cutscenes (mono)?,, In-game:
Prototype (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi/synth-based,
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (CD ver.)(PC Redbook - remixes/rearrangements) - 1995, mostly midi/synth-based,
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny/Das Schwarze Auge: Die Schicksalsklinge (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Noctropolis (PC Redbook - intro only?) - 1994, streaming audio in mono for the logo and adlib in-game (rest of the OST is apparently on the cd but not used in-game),
Hyper 3-D Pinball/Tilt! (PC Redbook) - 1995, streaming audio intro?, midi-based,
CyClones (PC Redbook) - 1994, part synth/midi-based,
Heroes of Might and Magic I: A Strategic Quest (PC Redbook)(Windows ver.) - 1996, remastered midi-based tracks in 24-bit stereo, part streaming (mono; intro and map failed, some ambient sfx),,
Witchaven (PC Redbook - intro only) - 1995, rest is SB AWE32 MIDI or WAV?,
The Horde (CD-ROM ver.)(PC Redbook - in-game, one track is switched around compared to 3DO & FMT) - 1994, mono streaming for cutscenes, different in-game tracks compared to floppy ver.,
The Labyrinth of Time (PC Redbook) - 1993,
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based, some streamed ambient sfx,
Alone in the Dark 2 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993,
Master of Orion (PC Redbook?) - 1993, midi-based (different from SC-55 and MT-32 uploads so probably cd),
Necrodome (PC Redbook - 15 tracks) - 1996, part GM (main menu only?), midi-based,
Future Wars: Adventures in Time (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1990,
TFX (PC Redbook) - 1993, remastered midi tracks,
Renegade: Battle for Jacobs Star (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Capitalism Plus (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi/synth-based,
Battle Arena Toshinden (PC Redbook - same as PS1 JP ver.? (more midi-like arrangement)) - 1996, midi-based,
XS (PC Redbook) - 1996, part mono streaming (cutscenes), find rip,
Wetlands (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
Alone in the Dark 3 (PC Redbook) - 1994,
Inca II: Wiracocha/Inca II: Nations of Immortality (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1993 or 1994, mostly opl in-game,
Pray for Death (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, mostly midi/synth-based,
World of Aden: Thunderscape (PC Redbook, streaming ambient sfx) - 1995, part midi-based,
TekWar/William Shatner's TekWar (PC Redbook) - 1995,
Worms: Reinforcements (PC Redbook) - 1995, part midi-based,
Genocide 2: Master of the Dark Communion (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-based (SC-55 recordings?), find rip,
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks w/ live guitar?,
World Rally Fever: Born on the Road (PC Redbook) - 1996, find rip, part synth/midi-based,
Bug Too! (PC Redbook - same as SAT?)(Windows) - 1996, mostly midi/synth-based, find rip,
Soldiers of Fortune/The Chaos Engine (PC Redbook - intro, title and char select menu only) - 1994, OPL in-game,
Loom (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1991,
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1996,
Raiden (PC Redbook) - 1994, rearranged ARC tracks, midi-based,
Betrayal at Krondor (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, sounds like remastered midi tracks,
Stellar 7 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1990?,
Bug! (PC Redbook) - 1996, somewhat remastered SAT tracks, midi-based,
Hind: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi-based, find rip,
Civilization II (PC Redbook)(some vocal elements) - 1996, part streaming (all cutscenes?, setup menu, diplomacy screens, some jingles), mostly midi-based redbook OST,, In-game (streamed tracks only):
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (PC Redbook or GM?) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail/Das Schwarze Auge: Sternenschweif (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks,
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (PC Redbook) - 1996,
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition (PC Redbook - same as PS1 except some tracks are in a different order?) - 1996, midi/synth-based (mostly remastered/arranged arcade tracks), streamed mono jingles,, In-game:
Worms (PC Redbook)(one vocal track) - 1995, part mod/midi-based,
Tactical Manager (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks?,
Pinball Dreams Deluxe/Pinball Arcade (PC Redbook (intro only?), .mod music in-game) - 1994,
Hyper Crazy Climber (PC Redbook)(Windows?) - 1996, mostly midi-based, find rip,
Mutation of J.B. (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi/synth-based,
Diggers (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, OPL/adlib main menu and mineral trading menu,
Alien Logic (PC Redbook (main menu, in-game) - 1994, streaming audio or redbook cutscenes in mono,
Polanie (PC Redbook) - 1996, midi-based,
Battle Chess: Enhanced CD-ROM (PC Redbook) - 1992, midi-based,
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon Intro (CD Ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992,
Judge Dredd (PC Redbook) - 1996, slightly remastered SNES tracks (still in mono),
Goblins Quest 3 (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994,
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)? - 1991,
Links: Championship Course - Pebble Beach Golf Links (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1993,
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf Club (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1994,
Gobliiins (PC Redbook?) - 1993,,
Genewars (PC Redbook - in-game tracks) - 1996, streaming audio cutscenes,
Eternam (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1992, some opl tracks,
Die Höhlenwelt Saga: Der Leuchtende Kristall (PC Redbook) - 1994, remastered midi tracks,
The Manhole: New and Enhanced! (PC Redbook) - 1992, remastered midi tracks,
Jones in the Fast Lane (CD ver.)(PC Redbook, remastered MT-32 recordings?) - OPL2 in-game?, 1992,
Mario Teaches Typing (CD Ver.)(PC Redbook (ending only? mono), adlib in-game) - 1992,
Beyond the Wall of Stars (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(Windows) - 1992,
Spirit of Excalibur (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1991, midi-like (mt-32),
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (PC Redbook) - 1995, midi-like,
NASCAR Racing (PC Redbook, streaming audio intro in mono) - 1994, find hq:
Psycho Killer (PC Redbook - title & credits only?) - 1993, streaming audio in mono in-game,
Freddi Fish (PC Redbook or streaming audio or midi (mono)?) - 1994,
Mortal Kombat (CD-ROM Version)(PC Redbook, ARC ver. recordings) - 1994,
ShadowCaster (CD ver.)(PC Redbook) - 1994, sounds like remastered midi tracks,
The Backyard (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993,
The Playroom (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993 (re-release),
Sensible World of Soccer: European Championship Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995 streaming audio intro (stereo cd audio track on the disc)/fm in-game,
WIP CD audio only? 1997 onwards:
G-Nome (PC Redbook?) - 1997
Carmageddon 1997, Fallout 1997, Darklight Conflict 1997, Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1997, Norse by Norse West: The Return of the Lost Vikings 1997, Pro Pinball: Timeshock! 1997, Redneck Rampage 1997, Shadow Warrior 1997, Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command (1939-1999)(PC, SB Wav intro) 1997, Test Drive: Off-Road 1997, Little Big Adventure 2/Twinsen's Odyssey 1997, Resident Evil (PC Redbook) 1997, Twisted Metal 2 (Windows) - 1997, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC)(Windows) - 1997, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Windows) 1997, Sonic 3D Blast (Windows) 1997, Pandemonium! (Windows) 1997
1997: X-Men: Children of the Atom 1997, X-COM: Apocalypse 1997, Wing Nuts: Battle in the Sky 1997, Waterworld 1997 - partial gm?, Versailles 1685 1997, Time Warriors 1997, Thunder Truck Rally 1997, Tailchaser 1997, Street Racer 1997, Star Command: Revolution 1997, Screamer Rally 1997, Realms of the Haunting 1997, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 1997, Malice: 23rd Century Ultraconversion for Quake 1997, The Last Express - except menus 1997, Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny opl in-game 1997, KKND: Krush Kill 'N Destroy 1997, Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft - wav? 1997, Ignition 1997, Grand Theft Auto 1997, Fragile Allegiance 1997, Championship Manager: Season 97/98 1997, Chasm: The Rift, The City of Lost Children, Conquest Earth: "First Encounter" 1997, Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach GM?, Earth 2140, Extreme Assault, Alpha Storm 1997 partial CD/partial OPL, Armored Fist 2 1997, The City of Lost Children 1997, Redneck Deer Huntin' 1997, Romance of the Three Kingdoms V 1997, Descent to Undermountain 1997? - might be GM?, Herrscher der Meere 1997?, Kick Off 97 1997?, Fallen Haven 1997? Win,
1998: JetFighter: Full Burn/Jet Fighter 1998?, Worms Pinball 1998? Win - shares all or some songs with Worms 2 1998 (or 1997) Win, Might and Magic VI 1998 Win, Motor Mash 1998?, Pro Pinball: Big Race USA? 1998, Przekleta Ziemia 1998?, Queen: The eYe 1998?, Star Trek Pinball 1998?, Tie Break Tenis/Tennis 98? or GM? 1998, The Varginha Incident 1998, War Inc. 1998?, Wreckin Crew 1998?,
Liberation Day 1998? Win, Advanced Strategic Command 1998?, Ultimate Civilization II Collection (PC) -, Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PC Redbook)(Windows)
Check if CD/find:
Targhan (PC Redbook?) - 1990? find, the video I found before had other music added to it
Dragon Lore: The Legend Begins (PC Streaming Audio? - mono, SB .wav/streaming audio?) - 1994,
Lost in Time CD-ROM version? - 1994, find
E.S.S Mega (PC Redbook?) - 1991, find
Sport's Best (PC Redbook?) - 1992, find
The Great War: 1914-1918 (PC Redbook?) - 1992, find cd audio upload
Tornado (PC Redbook?) - 1993, find cd audio upload
Jutland (PC Redbook?) - 1993, find cd audio upload
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
The Settlers/Serf City (PC Redbook?) - 1994 or 1995, find cd audio upload
Exploration/Voyages of Discovery (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
Virtuoso (PC Redbook?) - 1994, find cd audio upload
BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy CD ver. (PC Redbook) - 1994, no cd audio music in this upload,
Find PC: Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain 1989? (one YT video has redbook in-game, maybe added onto it), SimCity Enhanced (PC, 199?) - streaming intro/no music in-game?, Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance (PC 1990 ver.)?, Battle Stations (PC) 1990, Lords of Doom (PC) 1990, SimEarth: The Living Planet later CD ver.?, 1995: Talisman, C.E.O., Pinball World - part mod music, Teen Agent - cd ver? mod-based on yt, Flamingo Tours, Druid: Daemons of the Mind - find cd ver., Diggers 2: Extractors - find cd, Xixit (SB mod) - find cd?, Kaiser Deluxe, BC Racers - opl find cd, Perfect Pinball, Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds - find cd, Stonekeep (PC, SB Wav/Mod? intro only) - rest is midi find cd, Pinball Illusions mod - find cd, The War College: Universal Military Simulator 3 find better footage, Quarantine II: Road Warrior mod/streaming audio in mono? find cd, Lemmings 3D - same as ps1? find cd ver., Rebel Moon, Championship Manager 2 (PC Redbook?) - 1995, Stars! PC (Windows)? 1995, Eradicator (PC Redbook?) - find better footage/rip, Nana Eiyu Monogatari II (PC Redbook) - 1996, W!Zone II: Retribution (PC Redbook) - 1996, same as WC2? (level pack), Roketz (PC Redbook) - 1996, Johnny Bazookatone (PC Redbook) - 1996, same as 3DO? find, Team F1 (PC Redbook) - 1996, Surface Tension (PC Redbook) - 1996, Timeslaughter (PC Redbook) - 1996 find cd ver.?, Die Fugger II (PC Redbook) - 1996? find cd, id Anthology (PC Redbook) - 1996, WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness (Demo Version) (PC Redbook) - 1996 opl3 only?, Attack of the Mutant Penguins (PC redbook or mod?) - 1996 no music on PC? find rip, Chess Wars: A Medieval Fantasy (SB Wav?, jingles and sfx only) - mostly cd audio or GM? 1996 find rip/better footage, NASCAR Racing 2 (PC Streaming?) 1996 find rip/better footage or no music? no redbook checked iso,
Double check if cd or streaming (currently in the cd list):
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC, uses redbook or streaming audio in mono in parts?, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup) - 1994,,
NHL '95 (PC redbook or streaming audio (mono)?, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,
Novastorm (PC Streaming Audio/"wav" - checked iso) - 1994, mono, could also be tracker music,
Alien Logic (PC Redbook (main menu, in-game), streaming audio or redbook cutscenes in mono) - 1994,
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)? - 1991,
Links: Championship Course - Pebble Beach Golf Links (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1993,
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf Club (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(same intro track) - 1994,
Beyond the Wall of Stars (PC Redbook or streaming audio in mono)(Windows) - 1992,
Freddi Fish (PC Redbook or streaming audio or midi (mono)?) - 1994,
The Backyard (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993,
The Playroom (PC streaming audio or redbook in mono)(some vocal tracks) - 1993 (re-release),
Doesn't have CD Audio music, PC non-cd audio: Dune PC 1992 - only a separate OST album, Network Q RAC Rally (PC mod/wav in-game? hard panned) - 1993 the cd tracks are on the game cd but not played in-game:, Star Wars: X-Wing: Collector's Edition, Day of the Tentacle, Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Collector's CD-ROM (gravis ultrasound/midi/adlib) - this and x-wing have 1995 or 1998 versions with cd audio but those tracks are identical to the movies' music, Descent 1995 (the advertised "cd enhanced" version was never made but the music was possibly used in the PS1 port), Full Throttle (PC streaming audio/wav)(vocal tracks) - 1995 part midi-based streamed tracks (checked iso and found no known format+doesn't open in WMP), Star Trek: Judgment Rites Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition 1995 - sounds like streaming mono audio for the intro and mt-32 or adlib in-game depending on setup, Unnecessary Roughness '95 1994 - OPL only? (one of the in-game jingles seems to use sampled percussion), Soccer Kid (PC .mod? hard panned) - 1994 (find cd audio upload?), Wolf (OPL3) - 1994, Might and Magic: World of Xeen (PC Redbook) 1994 - cd audio voice clips only (mt-32 and opl music support), Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective PC - streaming audio in mono, Flashback: The Quest for Identity CD ver. - streaming in cutscenes/mod music on title screen and in-game?, Monkey Island 2 CD-Rom (1991 or 1992) - opl2+mt-32+general midi support only (not CD on FMT either?), Sensible World of Soccer: European Championship Edition (PC Redbook) - 1995 streaming audio intro (stereo cd track on the disc)/fm in-game - incl cd audio ver of intro track on disc but not in-game, Ultima VIII: Pagan (PC GM) 1994, King's Quest VII (PC Streaming) - 1994, PC OPL3/GM SC-55 - some streaming audio tracks (land beyond dreams - vocals+stereo, intro, outro),, Nectaris (PC) 1995 - opl2 fm only?, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (PC GM?) - 1995, midi-based redbook or GM?,, Flight Unlimited (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, stereo streaming? (slightly distorted), no in-game music,, Primal Rage (PC GM) - 1995, general midi/opl2 only,, NHL '95 (PC streaming audio (mono only?) - checked iso, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,, Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster - 1995, GM and/or streaming only - checked iso, Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (PC Streaming - .lbx format) - 1996, high noise floor/minor distortion,, Final Doom (PC GM)(TNT: Evilution & The Plutonia Experiment - Doom 2 expansions) - 1996, GM, also supports OPL2,, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (PC GM/OPL3) - 1996 part streaming (cutscenes) checked iso, Star Control 3 (PC, SB AWE32) - 1996, awe32/adlib/gm support? checked iso, Ripper (PC Streaming Audio (wav+avi))(one licensed track - fear the reaper for the intro & credits) - 1996 checked iso, SimCopter (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part mod-based? (some hard panning), mostly lower sample rate tracks, part mono streaming (some distortion),, SimTunes (PC Streaming & SB AWE32 or GM) - 1996, In Pursuit of Greed 1996 - checked download (no iso), The Need for Speed: Special Edition (PC Streaming Audio (.asf & as4) - checked iso) - 1996, somewhat distorted, Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood (PC Streaming Audio (.wav) - checked iso) - 1996, mono and a bit compressed+distorted,, Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (PC Streaming Audio (unknown format - checked iso)) - 1996, part mono (in-game), Kingdom II: Shadoan (PC Streaming Audio (.raw format) - same as CDi/DVD player?, checked iso) - 1996, stereo, part midi-based, Hugo/Hugo: Äventyret går vidare/Hugo 4 (PC Streaming Audio - unknown format checked iso) - 1996, mono streaming or mod only?, Fable (PC, SB Wav (title only) & other streaming audio in - checked iso) - 1996, mono, ambient sfx in-game; X-Wing and Tie Fighter Special Editions/CD-ROM releases - Neither of these seem to have any cd audio tracks (checked gog ver.+downloaded and checked iso) - 1998 release?, Myst (PC Streaming)(same as MAC ver.?) - 1994, part midi-based,, Dungeon Master (PC) - 1992 there's a separate soundtrack CD for this one, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC Streaming Audio in mono - video files) - 1994, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup, Afterlife (PC, SB wav or gm?) 1996 - checked disc in WMP
PC Streaming Audio (.wav or other format) 1994:
Myst (PC Streaming Audio (.mov?))(same as MAC ver.?) - 1994, iso doesn't open in WMP, part midi-based,
NHL '95 (PC streaming audio (mono only?) - checked iso, based on NHL '94 MCD ver.) - 1994,
Commander Blood (PC Streaming Audio - voc pcm format) - 1994, 22khz? (mono, a bit distorted),, Rip:
NASCAR Racing (PC Streaming Audio - intro in mono) - 1994, part redbook? midi-based, find hq,, Intro:
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (PC Streaming Audio in mono - video files) - 1994, rest is adlib/midi depending on setup, (added stereo), In-game:
Psycho Killer (PC Streaming Audio) - 1993, streaming audio in mono in-game (distorted), redbook title & credits?, find rip,
The Need for Speed (PC Streaming Audio (.asf, more?)) - 1995, checked iso (won't open in WMP),
Ascendancy (PC Streaming Audio) - 1995, mono streaming at 22khz,
Heroes of Might and Magic I: A Strategic Quest (PC Streaming - checked iso file of 1995 DOS ver.) - 1995, remastered midi-based tracks in 24-bit stereo, part mono (intro and map failed, some ambient sfx),
You Don't Know Jack (PC Streaming Audio?)(Windows, some vocal tracks) - 1995, mono,
Flight Unlimited (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, stereo streaming? (slightly distorted), no in-game music,
CyberMage (PC Streaming Audio?, GM/OPL2) - 1995 stereo streaming or redbook intro?, general midi/OPL2 in-game,
Burn Cycle/Burn: Cycle (PC Streaming Audio?) - mono streaming (minor distortion), sometimes different instruments compared to CD-i, find rip,
J.B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono (some distortion in cutscenes), find rip,
Wetlands (PC Redbook or Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest (PC Streaming - mono at 22khz) - 1996, part midi-based?,
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono,
Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, streaming cutscenes? (mono), stereo ambience in-game,, Computer & Navigation screens (mono, some distortion):
Talisman (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono (some distortion),
Torin's Passage (PC Streaming Audio?) - 1995, mono streaming (some distortion),, In-game:
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster - 1995, find rip
Civilization II (PC Streaming) - 1996, part streaming (all cutscenes?, setup menu, diplomacy screens, some jingles), mostly midi-based redbook OST,, In-game (streamed tracks only):
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (PC Streaming - .lbx format) - 1996, high noise floor/minor distortion,
Ripper (PC Streaming Audio (wav+avi))(one licensed track - fear the reaper for the intro & credits) - 1996, mono, couldn't open nor convert the .avi files
The Need for Speed: Special Edition (PC Streaming Audio (.asf & as4) - checked iso) - 1996, somewhat distorted,
Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (PC Streaming Audio (unknown format - checked iso))(some vocal tracks) - 1996, part mono (in-game), In-game:, Credits (Death Song):,
Kingdom II: Shadoan (PC Streaming Audio (.raw format) - same as CDi/DVD player?) - 1996, stereo, part midi-based,, In-game (DVD player ver.):
SimCopter (PC Redbook)(Windows) - 1996, part mod-based? (some hard panning), two non-jingle .wav tracks, part mono streaming (some distortion),
Hugo/Hugo: Äventyret går vidare/Hugo 4 (PC Streaming Audio - unknown format checked iso) - 1996, mono streaming or mod only? find rip,
Fable (PC, SB Wav (title only) & other streaming audio in - checked iso) - 1996, mono, ambient sfx in-game,
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood (PC Streaming Audio (.wav) - checked iso) - 1996, mono and a bit compressed+distorted,
SimTunes (PC Streaming & SB AWE32 or GM) - 1996, mono only, mostly GM/AWE32,
Transport Tycoon (PC) - GM?
iF-16/F-16 Fighting Falcon (PC, SB Wav)
Alien Virus (PC, SB wav/mod? intro, ambient sfx)(in-game) partial cd audio?
In Pursuit of Greed (PC, SB Mod) - mod only according to the uploader, check
CyberMage (PC, SB wav or general midi? cutscenes) - OPL3 in-game
Apache/Apache Longbow (PC, SB Wav?) PCM+OPL or GM? or streaming? - stereo ver.:
Alain Prost Grand Prix/Prost Grand Prix (PC, SB Wav or CD?)(in-game, mono)
Ecstatica I & II (SB Wav or GM?)?
Eradicator (SB AWE32, Wav, GM or CD?)?
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny (PC, SB Wav?) or cd audio?
Ultima Online (SB AWE64, Windows) - cd or wav or gm?
Jonah Lomu Rugby (PC, SB Wav? or CD or mod?)(in-game)
FIFA Soccer 97 (PC, SB Wav?) - stereo
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (PC, SB Wav? or GM)
NeoHunter/Neo Hunter (PC, SB "wav"/streaming audio) - 1996, mono & a bit distorted, find rip,
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (PC, some streaming audio in mono, rest is midi/adlib depending on the setup?)
Madden NFL 97 (PC, SB Wav? or CD), Final Impact (SB Wav/Mod?)(in-game), Discworld (SB AWE32?) general midi?, Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft (SB Wav, stereo), Metaltech: EarthSiege (SB AWE32?/GM/RAP-10?), Pinball Mania (PC, SB mod), Gabriel Knight: SotF (SB AWE32),
Zool 2 (SB Mod?) find stereo?, Judge Dredd Pinball (PC, SB Wav/Mod? or CD)(in-game), Alien Carnage (SB mod), Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (SB AWE32), The Dame Was Loaded (PC, SB wav?), Project-X (SB Mod) find stereo?, Caesar II (PC, SB Wav/AWE32? intro & jingles), Blood (SB AWE32?) - general midi?, Pinball Dreams 2 (SB mod), Soccer Kid (SB Mod) find stereo?,
Saban's Iznogoud (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Phantasmagoria (SB AWE32), Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (SB AWE32), Doom II (SB AWE32/64), Stargunner (SB AWE32/mod?), Giant Sisters Xmas/Giana Sisters Xmas (SB mod), Kart Race (PC, SB Mod), Vanguard Ace (SB mod), Apocalypse Abyss (SB mod), Sila's Quest (SB mod?),
DN3D: Duke it out in D.C. (SB AWE32?, incl X-files remix), MegaRace 2 (SB AWE32?), ???????? ?????????? (russian)/Watch Out for the Car (SB Mod) find hq?, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (SB AWE32?), Pinball World (SB mod), Aladdin (PC, SB mod?), Zak McKracken 2 (Beta, SB mod), SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest (PC, AWE32/Wav? or RAP-10),
Links LS: Legends in Sports '97 (PC, SB Wav? or CD), Die Pirateninsel (PC, SB Mod), Asterix & Obelix (PC, SB mod?), The Need for Speed (PC, SB wav? intro) partial cd?, Deadline (PC, SB wav/mod or GM? staff roll) wav in-game?, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (PC, SB Wav?) find custom AWE64 in-game, Betrayal in Antara (PC, SB Wav?), Radix: Beyond the Void (SB mod), Duke: Nuclear Winter (SB AWE32?), Brett Hull Hockey 95 (PC, SB Wav?),
Duke Nukem 3D (PC, SB AWE32 EMU 8011 & AWE64), Morphello (SB mod), Ultimate Body Blows (SB mod?) find rip, Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star (PC, SB Mod? or GM), Fourth Generation (SB Mod), 2 Fast 4 U (PC, SB Mod), Theme Hospital (PC, AWE32), California Gold Rush! (PC, SB Wav? 1998 ver.), Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (PC, SB Wav?), Pinball 3D-VCR (SB mod),
Quadnet (PC, SB Mod/Wav?)(in-game), SubWar 2050 (SB mod, title only?), Ark of Time (PC, SB Wav?), Big Red Racing (PC, SB Wav?) - 1995, Strike Base (PC, SB Wav/Mod?), Black Knight: MSF (SB mod), Hardline (SB AWE32 or wav?), Archon Ultra (SB mod), Command & Conquer (PC, SB Wav/mod? menus) cd audio in-game, Star Wars: Dark Forces (SB AWE32),
Turbo Lode (Loderunner Remake)(SB mod), Ascendancy (PC, SB mod/wav?), Stardust (PC, SB Mod?), Slam Tilt (PC, SB Mod) find hq, Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach (SB AWE64? or GM), The Original Mulan (PC, SB Wav?) - cd audio? find hq, Dungeon Keeper (SB Wav? cutscenes, ambient sfx as part of the cd music), An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (SB AWE32?), Gone Fishin' (SB AWE32?), Silverball (SB mod),
Battling Butlers (SB Mod), Police Quest: SWAT (PC, SB AWE32/64?), Destruction Derby 2 (PC, SB wav? menus) cd audio in-game, MTV: Club Dead (SB Wav?), Cyberia 2: Resurrection (PC, SB Wav?), Pinball Prelude (PC, SB Mod?), Lighthouse: The Dark Being (PC, SB Wav?), Crazy Drake (PC, SB mod), Top Gun: Fire at Will! (SB wav?),
Wingstar (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC, SB wav? main menu only?) cd in-game, Delta V (SB AWE32), Tomb Raider (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes) cd in-game, Warcraft (SB AWE32/64), Torin's Passage (PC, SB wav?), Drilling Billy (SB Mod), Reunion (SB mod), Iron Seed (SB mod), Troddlers (SB AWE32?) GM?,
Ravage (Alpha Helix Productions)(PC, SB Mod?), Deus (PC, SB Wav/AWE32?), Pinball Dreams & Pinball Dreams Deluxe/Pinball Arcade (PC, SB mod) - cd intro in DX, Expert Pinball (SB mod), Empire II: The Art of War (PC, SB AWE32/Wav? intro), Quarterback Attack (PC, SB Wav?), Conquest of the New World: Deluxe Edition (PC, SB Wav or GM? ambient sfx in-game), Diggers (SB mod), U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project (PC, SB Mod), Heretic (SB AWE32/64),
Fox Ranger (SB AWE32?) general midi?, Tiny Toon Adventures: The Great Beanstalk (PC, SB Wav or GM?), Ar'Kritz the Intruder (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Cyberia (PC, SB Wav?), Back to Baghdad (PC, SB wav?), Albion (PC, SB mod/wav intro, ambient sfx), Privateer 2: The Darkening (PC, SB Wav?) GM in-game?, Blood & Magic (PC, SB wav or GM? intro) OPL3 in-game, Atlantis: The Lost Tales (PC, SB Wav?),
Orion Burger (PC, SB Wav/Mod?),Sonic & Knuckles Collection (PC, SB AWE64) Windows, SkoolDaze: Klass of '99 (PC, SB Mod/AWE32?), L.A. Blaster (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes) cd in-game+loading screen?, Necrodome (SB mod) partial cd?, Dune II (AWE64), Harvester (PC, SB Wav?), Charly the Clown (PC, SB mod?)(in-game), Chex Quest (PC, SB AWE64 or GM?), The Pandora Directive (PC, SB Wav?),
Paragliding (PC, SB Mod?), Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murder (PC, SB Wav?), Black Gold (PC, SB Mod?), Jump 'n Bump (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), 3 Skulls of the Toltecs (PC, SB wav?), Gargoyle Medieval Pack (SB Mod), Evasive Action (SB mod), Batman Forever (PC, SB wav?)(in-game), Toonstruck (PC, SB Wav?), Jet Set Miner Willy (SB mod),
Network Q RAC Rally Championship (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Crazy Brix (SB mod), Tsumera Pinball (SB mod), Chain Reaction (SB mod, 1996), ?MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (PC, SB wav/mod? cutscenes, GM in-game?), Bedlam 2 (SB wav?), Genewars (PC, SB Wav?), L'affaire Morlov (PC, SB Wav?), Mine Bombers (SB mod), Spycraft: The Great Game (PC, SB Wav?), Rama (PC, SB Wav?) find hq, Cyril Cyberpunk (PC, SB mod), Millennia: Altered Destinies (PC, SB wav/mod? cutscenes), Cyclemania (SB Mod), Star Control II (SB mod) partial cd audio, Gender Wars (PC, SB wav/mod?) gm or cd in-game?, Witchaven (PC, SB AWE32/wav?), Steel Shot (SB mod), Stellar Stryker (SB mod), Seal Of Nehahra (SB mod), Brudal Baddle (SB mod), Chewy: Esc from F5 (SB mod/wav?), Fade to Black (SB wav/AWE32?), Tux Racer (SB mod) Windows, Bedlam (SB wav?), X-COM: UFO Defense (SB AWE32), Terra Probe (PC, SB Mod), Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! (PC, SB Wav?) partial cd or GM?, Harpoon II & Admiral's Edition (SB Mod/Wav?) find hq?, Gunmetal (PC, SB Wav or GM?) - find hq, Extreme Pinball (PC, SB mod), Tough Guy (PC, SB AWE32? or GM), Magic Carpet (SB AWE64), Prisoner of Ice (PC, SB AWE32/Wav?), International Tennis Open (SB Mod/Wav?, intro) find hq?, Superfrog (PC, SB Mod), Oscar (SB AWE32/GM?), Krypton Egg (SB Mod/Wav?) find hq?, Worms (PC, SB wav? cutscenes) partial cd?, Kids on Site (SB Wav?) find hq?, Outer Ridge (SB mod), Boovie (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (SB wav/AWE32?), Mortal Kombat 3 (PC, SB wav/mod jingles only), Ripley's Believe It or Not!: Riddle of Master Lu (SB wav? cutscenes), Star Trek: The Next Generation - "A Final Unity" (SB AWE32/wav?), Simon the Sorcerer II (SB AWE32?), Vigilance on Talos V (SB mod) partial cd?, Aro (SB mod), Lords of the Realm II (SB wav/AWE32?), Flying Tigers 2 (SB mod), Flying Tigers (SB mod), Slipstream 5000 (PC, SB wav? intro & title), Fury3 & Hellbender (SB mod) Windows, Overdrive (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), 1942: The Pacific Air War Gold (SB Wav?), Strife (PC, AWE32?)(in-game), Entity (PC, SB mod), Rebel Runner: Operation: Digital Code (SB mod), Tronic (SB mod), Dracula Unleashed (SB wav?), Speed Haste (PC, SB mod), Ultima VI (SB mod), Pssst (SB mod), Léto s Oskarem (PC, SB Mod?)(in-game), Football Glory (PC, SB Wav?), OverKill (SB mod/awe32?), BC Racers (PC, SB Wav? intro) cd in-game?, Adventures of Robbo (SB wav/mod?), Dragon's Lair (SB wav?), Jurassic War (SB AWE32?), Autka (PC, SB Mod), Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II (SB Wav? cutscenes), Quadrax (SB mod), Sentry (Sentinel Remake) (SB mod), BreakLine (SB mod), Eight Ball Deluxe (SB wav/mod?), Escape from Delirium (SB mod), Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Volume I-III (SB wav?) cd audio?, Another World (SB mod/wav?), Yo! Joe! (SB wav/mod?) find hq?, Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball (SB mod), Silent Hunter (PC, SB Wav), Jumping Jack (SB mod), Kingdom at War (SB mod), Giant Sisters/Giana Sisters (SB mod), Hannibal (PC, SB mod), BAT II: The Koshan Conspiracy (PC, SB Mod/Wav?), Frontier: Elite II (SB AWE64), D (PC, SB wav?), C-Dogs (SB, X-Files theme), Polda aneb S poctivostí nejdrív pojdeš (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Space Federation/Star Reach (SB mod), National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 (SB wav, cutscenes), Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (PC, SB wav/mod?), Screamer (SB mod/partial AWE32?), Jane's U.S. Navy Fighters 97 (PC, SB Wav?), Fire & Ice (PC, SB AWE64) glitches?, Cricket 97 (SB wav?), Heartlight & Heartlight Deluxe (SB mod/wav?), Interpose (SB mod), The Discoverers (SB Wav?, cutscenes), PGA Tour Golf 486 (SB Wav intro), Kingdom: The Far Reaches (PC, SB Wav?), NASCAR Racing (SB intro?) mostly cd audio, Jet Set Willy (PC, SB Mod), Cyberwar (1994, SB mod/wave?), The Terminator: Future Shock (SB AWE32), Who Shot Johnny Rock? (SB Wav?), Robinson's Requiem (SB Wav? title only?, Ishar III (SB wav/mod?), The Backyard (SB AWE32/wav?), Trial by Magic (SB Mod) find hq?, Arnie 2 (SB mod), Quik the Thunder Rabbit (PC, SB mod), Ultima Underworld I (SB AWE64) some glitches, Flying Corps (SB wav/AWE32?), Into the Void (SB wav/mod?), Trash It (PC, SB Wav/Mod?), X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse (SB AWE32?), Star Wars: Rebel Assault II (SB wav?), Skaut Kwatermaster (PC, SB Wav? or GUS), Electroman (SB wav?), Star Wars: Rebel Assault (SB wav?), Mad News (PC, SB mod), Voyeur (SB Wav?), Down in the Dumps (PC, SB wav?) - partial cd?, Crime Patrol (SB Wav?, cutscenes), Soccer Superstars (PC, SB Mod?), Constructor (SB AWE32/wav?) - cd in-game?, Stack Up (SB wav/mod?), Ultima VI (SB AWE64), Mr. Boom (PC, SB Mod), Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence (PC, SB Wav?), Night Trap (PC, SB Wav?), Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (SB Wav?) find hq?, Time Gate: Knight's Chase (PC, SB Wav? cutscenes), Mad Dog McCree (SB wav?), Imperium Galactica (SB wav?), Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (SB wav?, cutscenes) find AWE32 midi, LineWars II (SB mod/wav?), Lion King (SB mod), Slicks 'n' Slide (SB wav?, title), Space Hulk (SB wav, intro), Kingdom O' Magic (PC, SB Wav?), Rise 2: Resurrection (PC, SB Wav? menus, ambient sfx in-game) cd audio in-game, Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command (1939-1999) (PC, SB intro) mostly cd audio, Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends 2 (SB AWE32?), Asmodeus: Tajemný kraj Ruthaniolu (PC, SB mod?) partial cd?, Psychic Detective (PC, SB Wav?), The Horde (SB mod) - floppy ver. uses mono streaming for cutscenes and seemingly mod music in-game (hard panned), Nicky Boom (SB mod/wav?) seems glitched, KKND: Krush Kill 'N Destroy (PC, SB Wav? intro) cd in-game?, Alien Incident (SB mod), Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge (PC, SB Wav?), Comanche 3 (SB wav?, cutscenes/menus) find awe32 midi, Clone (SB mod), Mr. Tomato (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters (SB wav/AWE32?), Legend of Kyrandia (SB AWE32), The Rocketeer (SB wav? cutscenes), World Wide Rally (SB wav?), MDK (PC, SB Wav?)(in-game), Teen Agent/Teenagent (PC, SB mod), Rayman (PC, SB wav? jingles only), Burnout: Championship Drag Racing (PC, SB Wav?), Stunt Island (SB wav?), MULE (PC, 1999, SB mod), Rocks 'n' Diamonds (PC, SB Mod), Leyendas de Lhodrye: Arakhas el Oscuro (SB mod/wav?), Shrak for Quake (SB?), Pump Fighters (PC, SB Mod)(in-game), Colony 28 (SB wav/mod?), Montezuma's Return (SB wav/AWE32?), Mortal Kombat Trilogy (PC, SB wav? jingles only) cd audio, Arcade Pool (SB AWE32/GUS/GM?), The Last Express (PC, SB Wav? menus, ambient sfx) cd in-game?, Leyendas de Lhodrye: La Luz del Druida (SB mod), El-Fish (SB AWE32?), Street Fighter II Turbo (SB AWE32), Inner Worlds (SB mod), Manchester United: The Double (PC mod), Blast Chamber (PC, SB AWE32/wav?) find hq, Bargon Attack (SB mod/wav, cutscenes) no in-game music?, Archimedean Dynasty (SB mod? ambient sfx only) cd in-game, Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (SB wav/AWE32?), Biing!: Sex, Intrigue and Scalpels (PC, SB Wav?), Police Quest 4: Open Season (SB wav intro only?), Tokkobot (SB mod), Seek and Destroy (PC, SB Mod/wav?) Rol Crusaders (PC, SB Wav? intro), Spellcross (SB wav?), Nomad (SB wav) no in-game music?, King Kong 10 (SB mod?), Hunter Hunted (PC, SB Wav?), Chronomaster (SB wav?) find hq & awe32 (some adlib) 1995, Rollin (SB mod), Ishar: Legend of the Fortress (SB wav?), Baldies (SB mod or AWE32?)(in-game), Plan 9 from Outer Space (SB AWE32/wav?), Z (PC, SB wav?, cutscenes) find awe32, Pushover (SB AWE32?), Mega Man X (PC, SB AWE32), SimCity: Enhanced CD-ROM (SB wav?) no in-game music?, IndyCar Racing II (PC, SB Wav?) no in-game music?, Blues Brothers Jukebox Adventures (SB mod), Lure of the Temptress (SB wav/mod?), Pizza Worm (SB mod), Jimmy White's 'Whirlwind' Snooker (PC, SB AWE32?), Dungeon Master (SB wav?), Manic Miner (PC, SB mod), Chess Wars: A Medieval Fantasy (SB Wav, jingles and sfx only) - mostly cd audio?, Red Ghost (PC, SB Wav? intro), Civil War (Empire) (SB mod), WWII GI (PC, SB Mod)(Platoon cover, in-game), Space Pirates (SB Wave?), Flight Unlimited (PC, SB wav? intro only), MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only), M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only), GTA/Grand Theft Auto (PC, SB Wav? ambience only), Quake (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) - otherwise redbook, Chasm: The Rift (SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio, Redneck Rampage (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio?, Ignition (PC, SB Wav? logos only) cd audio?, The City of Lost Children (SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio?, Earth 2140 (PC, SB Wav? ambient sfx only) cd audio in-game?, Amok (SB wav? ambient sfx in menu only) cd in-game?, Rise of the Robots (SB Wav? intro only), Beyond the Abyss (SB Wav/Mod?, jingle only), Splat! (PC, SB Mod?), SimTower/Sim Tower (PC, SB Wav?) - ambient fx only besides title jingle, Duke Nukem's Penthouse Paradise - no music? or cd audio, Fragile Allegiance (SB Wav? logo only) cd audio?, E.T.: No More Mr. Nice Alien - no music?, Fighter Duel - no music?, I-0: Jailbait on Interstate Zero - no music?, Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl - no music?, Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air - no music?, Redneck Deer Huntin' - no music?/cd audio, Super Stupid Space Invaders - no music?, TerraFire 1997 - no music?, Tommy's Gorilla Balls series - no music?, Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge - no music?, Air Puck - no music?, Air Warrior - no music?, Aquanoid - no music?, Conflict: Korea - The First Year 1950-51 - no music?, Cyberchess - no music?, Elysium - no music?, Heaven & Earth - no music?, Hill Street Blues - no music?, Hovertank One/Hovertank 3D - no music?, Jump Jet - no music?, Legends of Valour - no music?, Loader Larry - no music?, The Manager - no music?, Millennium: Return to Earth - no music?, Moraff's Stones - no music?, Omnitrend's Paladin II - no music?, One-Nil Soccer Manager - no sound?, Oxyd - no music?, Pacific Islands - no music?, Ports of Call - no music?, Ragnarok - no music?, Rock'N Roller - no music?, Secret Agent - no music? Spy Snatcher - no sound?, Stickybear Town Builder - no music?, Stunt Driver - no music?, Super ZZT - no music?, The Abbey - no music?, ALF's U.S. Geography - no music?, BipBop II - no music?, Capture the Flag - no music?, The Chessmaster 3000 - no music?, The Complete Universal Military Simulator - no music?, Construction Bob in the Bouncing Factory - no music?, Curse of the Catacombs - no music?, Dangerous Dave's Risky Rescue - no music?, Football Manager 3 - no music?, The Keys to Maramon - no music?, Lunar Command - no sound?, Math Blaster: Episode One - In Search of Spot - no music?, Dungeons of the Unforgiven - no sound?, Moraff's World - no sound?, Ragnarok - no music?, Shadow President - no music?, Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle - no music? pc speaker, Tom & Jerry - no music? pc speaker, Vikings: Fields of Conquest - Kingdoms of England II - no music?, Vlak - no music?, Wall Pipe - no music? pc speaker, 1994Pool+ - no music?, AstroFire - no music?, Battlehawks 1942 - no music? pc speaker, Carrier Command PC - no music?, Clonk - no music?, Crystal Caves - no music? pc speaker, Inspektor Zebok: Das Erbe - no music?, Amazon Snake - no music?, Blackstar: Agent of Justice (PC) - pc speaker jingles only?, Breakfree (PC) - no music?, Deer Napped - no music?, Footy Fanatic - no sound?, Caverns of Xaskazien pc speaker, Framed - no music (except ambient opl noise at title), Gladiator - no music?, Great Naval Battles Vol. III: Fury in the Pacific, 1941-44 - no music?, Steel Panthers - no music?, Williams Arcade Classics - no music?, World at War: Volume II - Stalingrad - no music?, Ancient Domains of Mystery - no music?, Ant Run - no music? pc speaker only, Rally Sport - no music?, Spirou OPL2?, Advanced NetWars - no music?, Alien Phobia - no music?, Angband - no music?, CHAMP Asterocks (SB mod or pc speaker?), E.T.: No More Mr. Nice Alien - no sound?, I-0: Jailbait on Interstate Zero - no sound?, Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl - no sound?, A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - no music?, Beyond the Titanic - no music?, Blitzkrieg at the Ardennes - no sound?, Chickens 2 - no music?, Ducks - no music?, Fuck Quest - pc speaker, Island Hopper - no music?, Jasper's Journeys 1997 - no music?, Photopia - no sound?, Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. - no sound?, Football Masters 99 - no sound?, Hamurabi - no sound?, Hyper Tank! (PC, SB Mod?) - short jingle only, Lemonade Stand 1999 - no sound?, Liero 1999 - no music, NetHack 1992 - no sound?, Peach's Dream - no music?, Snood 1996 or 1999 - no music?, Space Fortress 1999 - no sound?, Submarine Fury 1999 - short jingle only, Tajemnica Statuetki 1993 - no music?, Zee Artillery 1999 - no sound?,
Links: The Challenge of Golf (PC, 1990)?
James Pond 2 (PC, SB mod or "wav") - very similar to AMI but in mono and w/ slightly simpler arrangements (downloaded, can't dump midi or opl via dosbox)